It's been almost a month since my last post. & boy have I been busy. I went for chemo on the 14th, levels were low, lower then ever. But I could still get the taxatier, but had to take the nupogion shots again! This sucks but In order to feel well again I need these shots. My white counts are only a 4, & that's to low for 2 weeks. So Joe again gets to be the barer of the bad shot. We discover if I put an ice pack on the spot first & numb it that makes the sting not so bad.
I then have to go back the following week to check the counts again. I go back for this on November 23rd. But before that we go into Philly on the 20th to see my bestie Lisa run in the Philly marathon. & she did it 13.1 miles so proud of my friend. Like I said to you before the race " I'll never give up" & neither did you! Then Monday we celebrate Joe's birthday. He turned 47 on the 21st! So me, his mom & sister Michele take him to the crab trap for dinner. It was a lot of fun I love seeing him w/ his family we have a lot of laughs & had a fun waitress that we all kept busting on. I had a coconut muffin (some of you might not know but I love all things coconut) so she gave me a whole bag of them. & I never even had to Pull the C card?
Now on that wed at my Dr's apt. my counts are through the roof, in a good way. But I have a whole new set of side effects. The numb tongue, still neoropathy in the fingers & feet. Now headaches again. Spots in front of my eyes kinda like seeing trails.
So the Dr is concerned I have a high toxicity level to the taxatier, we talk about being done with chemo. The Dr said that it was OK for me to stop , that the amount of chemo that I had received especially in the beginning was the most important dose. So I cry hug Donna the receptionist & Cathy the nurse. I'm done! I was on a cloud that day. Really did not know how to feel.
I immediately called my mom she was visiting Kati at school w/ Stephanie. So I made the announcement a thankful thanksgiving no more Chemo was done!
O!I called everyone & cried tears of joy. I then went to get coffee after all the excitement & run into Father Frank ( Gabe's brother the one Gina asked to pray for me in Rome the St.Jude Father) he gave me a blessing, then probably ran away, I was like a crazed fan. So excited to meet him!
Thanksgiving was that week we went to Chuck & Andrea's & it was great to see the family, it's been since the summer, Andreas sister, brother in law & nephew were there so this was really nice it's the first time I've met some of her family. Charlotte was excited to see what wig I was going to be wearing. I wore the long one knowing Char likes long hair. But promised her I'd bring the wigs for Christmas so she could try them on. At dinner we all said something we were thankful for, Marco decided he was thankful for uncle Joe & wanted us to all say that too. I said I was thankful for my health & my fiance (Marco's Uncle Joe) & his support he was my rock more the i ever expected & the families mine & his for being so supportive. Then Char belted out So when are you & uncle Joe getting married! Really.... out of the mouth of an 8 year old.
That weekend my Hammonton Girls & I went to see the cake boss at the Trop. Gina's idea she had press seats & Colleen has connections. We went to dinner at the Palm first (Comped, again Colleen) & then went to see the show. I loved it. I laughed, cried, & understood his sarcasm, it was like being with the family. At the end Colleen noticed he was signing autographs & thought they where giving out cake, so we went over to line & it was a VIP line, But yup you guessed it Colleens name was on the list! We where in. We get up to him he signs all the aprons Amy has bought for us ( its supposed to be a free night?) & then Colleen pulls the 'c" card shes been waiting to do that for months. I'm glad she did I got a kiss, hug & hes gonna pray for me! But no cake.
All that good news & It took me this long to tell everyone......Sorry.
Radiation starts December 27th. But I will fill you all in hopefully before then, we have the Italians invade the lake Christmas coming up, this should be some good writing.
Merry Chrristmas!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
6 Down 2 To Go...................11-11-11.
This is going to be a long post....
Started the new chemo Taxatier, its the sister to the Taxol. Side effects still neuropathy (just not as bad) nausea, lowers white blood count, aches & pains, oh basically the same as everything else. But only a 2 1/2 hour treatment.
So I had treatment on Monday the 31st. Happy Halloween to me).
It wasn't to bad a process. Dr. Matumba was there asked him about taking B12 to help the neuropathy but he said no but i could take B6. So I am.
Tuesday after treatment feel great, Wednesday hits me again about 3. Tired, not as achy, Thursday I'm beat and now not only are my finger tips numb, but my tongue and whole mouth is. Ugggggg. this is not a good feeling. I sleep most of the day away, brush my teeth every time I get up, just to keep the mouth sores away.
Thursday night I am so sore I have to take a hydracodone & decide maybe some cold sesame noodles I get up get dizzy pass out! Then start to get nauseous. Now many of you don't know this about me but I hate i mean hate anything that has to do with vomiting. (not that anyone does) But I cant hear see it smell it anything or i get sick so if i am about to get sick myself i try my hardest not to! (thanks mom for passing this on to me). I dry heave and pass out again when I decide to try and get up. Joe then puts me on the couch take a zofran and out i go for 2 hours. But I wake up feeling ok.
On Friday I'm doing pretty good. We are going to visit the MD Peditto's on Sunday & I have a follow up with Dr. Sacks on Monday at Hopkins.
I feel much better on Sunday still a bit tired, but feel good. Paul & Stephanie invited Charlie & Jane over for dinner that night & i can't wait i know it will be lots of laughs & lots of rebuttling......even Nick jumped in on the humor.
Monday get to Hopkins for lunch meet Stephanie, & stop to see the Jesus statue. Its my first time i see him as every time Ive been there its either been rushed or Ive been in surgery. This is cool, you are to touch his foot or his robe ( I touched both) & you can write a note for prayers.
Me, Joe & Stephanie go up to the breast ctr, & see Dr. Sacks, he checks out the boob & is so impressed with it. and I quote " that's the best looking nipple sparing mastectomy, That's one for the record books" Joe was waiting for him to take a picture to use it on his business cards.
He also feels if I could have the other breast removed have an expander put in & the overectamy done at the same time. Then everything would be ready for reconstruction in about 6, 9 or 12 months after everything heals from radiation.
I went for a blood check on Wednesday and my white counts where down to 2? But Dr. Greenberg feels i am on the up swing, and things should be good for treatment number 7 on the 14th. Something may have to change he said though because the tongue numbness is a concern. I will be done on the 28th!!!!
Also if I haven't mentioned it, chemo can & did send me into menopause, ok so beware, mood swings are at a high, hot flashes are unbelievable, if you've ever seen the sex in the city episode when Samantha had cancer & she is talking at the award ceremony & starts to have a hot flash says "oh F-it" & rips off her wig. I do that i think once an hour!!!! So i started to take vitamin e this is supposed to help?
I had a nice surprise on Thursday, Cousin Kristy came to visit. We are 5 months apart (shes older). and when we where young spent sooo much time together, she lives in Medford lakes & did when we where young too. 2 Quick stories......I think we were about 10 & where riding double on her banana seat bike, but I was on the handlebars going down a huge hill in the lakes, hit a rock (or bolder) and we went flying. I still have the scars on my elbows. (it was her idea). oh & at about 13, our family had a small family reunion at our Gparents house in Ventnor & we decided to walk up to Steel Pier in AC, it got dark & w/ no $ left could not get back. So we went into the Astor Hotel on pacific ave.( I think that was the name) & had to call the parents. They were not happy. (That may have been my idea?) Any way, we may not see each other that often but having lunch with her & talking was like we never missed a beat. It completely made my week! I love you cuz. Thank You.
I went today to see Dr. Harvey the radiologist, she needed to get my measurements for radiation. that was interesting. You lie on a cat scan table, boob out arms above the head. then the pillow thingy you lay on is a mold that they form to your shape as well as align a beam across the breast area, then they tattoo 3 little dots one on either side of both breasts & one in the center of the chest area. They look like freckles, & yes they are real permanent tattoos. I asked if I could get something cool, like stars , moons & maybe a ribbon.
Then photos of the area. and that's it. I will start radiation on December 27th. it will be about 15 min. everyday for 6 weeks. So on or about February 7th I will be done that! Then hopefully sometime in February remove the other breast, put in the expander and overectamy.
& depending on how my skin reacts to radiation, reconstruction sometime from September to February 2013.
This picture is of Me & Karlee C, (shes not happy) with a 6 foot Snake. At Anthony & Carmello M's Sixth Birthday Party.
Started the new chemo Taxatier, its the sister to the Taxol. Side effects still neuropathy (just not as bad) nausea, lowers white blood count, aches & pains, oh basically the same as everything else. But only a 2 1/2 hour treatment.
So I had treatment on Monday the 31st. Happy Halloween to me).
It wasn't to bad a process. Dr. Matumba was there asked him about taking B12 to help the neuropathy but he said no but i could take B6. So I am.
Tuesday after treatment feel great, Wednesday hits me again about 3. Tired, not as achy, Thursday I'm beat and now not only are my finger tips numb, but my tongue and whole mouth is. Ugggggg. this is not a good feeling. I sleep most of the day away, brush my teeth every time I get up, just to keep the mouth sores away.
Thursday night I am so sore I have to take a hydracodone & decide maybe some cold sesame noodles I get up get dizzy pass out! Then start to get nauseous. Now many of you don't know this about me but I hate i mean hate anything that has to do with vomiting. (not that anyone does) But I cant hear see it smell it anything or i get sick so if i am about to get sick myself i try my hardest not to! (thanks mom for passing this on to me). I dry heave and pass out again when I decide to try and get up. Joe then puts me on the couch take a zofran and out i go for 2 hours. But I wake up feeling ok.
On Friday I'm doing pretty good. We are going to visit the MD Peditto's on Sunday & I have a follow up with Dr. Sacks on Monday at Hopkins.
I feel much better on Sunday still a bit tired, but feel good. Paul & Stephanie invited Charlie & Jane over for dinner that night & i can't wait i know it will be lots of laughs & lots of rebuttling......even Nick jumped in on the humor.
Monday get to Hopkins for lunch meet Stephanie, & stop to see the Jesus statue. Its my first time i see him as every time Ive been there its either been rushed or Ive been in surgery. This is cool, you are to touch his foot or his robe ( I touched both) & you can write a note for prayers.
Me, Joe & Stephanie go up to the breast ctr, & see Dr. Sacks, he checks out the boob & is so impressed with it. and I quote " that's the best looking nipple sparing mastectomy, That's one for the record books" Joe was waiting for him to take a picture to use it on his business cards.
He also feels if I could have the other breast removed have an expander put in & the overectamy done at the same time. Then everything would be ready for reconstruction in about 6, 9 or 12 months after everything heals from radiation.
I went for a blood check on Wednesday and my white counts where down to 2? But Dr. Greenberg feels i am on the up swing, and things should be good for treatment number 7 on the 14th. Something may have to change he said though because the tongue numbness is a concern. I will be done on the 28th!!!!
Also if I haven't mentioned it, chemo can & did send me into menopause, ok so beware, mood swings are at a high, hot flashes are unbelievable, if you've ever seen the sex in the city episode when Samantha had cancer & she is talking at the award ceremony & starts to have a hot flash says "oh F-it" & rips off her wig. I do that i think once an hour!!!! So i started to take vitamin e this is supposed to help?
I had a nice surprise on Thursday, Cousin Kristy came to visit. We are 5 months apart (shes older). and when we where young spent sooo much time together, she lives in Medford lakes & did when we where young too. 2 Quick stories......I think we were about 10 & where riding double on her banana seat bike, but I was on the handlebars going down a huge hill in the lakes, hit a rock (or bolder) and we went flying. I still have the scars on my elbows. (it was her idea). oh & at about 13, our family had a small family reunion at our Gparents house in Ventnor & we decided to walk up to Steel Pier in AC, it got dark & w/ no $ left could not get back. So we went into the Astor Hotel on pacific ave.( I think that was the name) & had to call the parents. They were not happy. (That may have been my idea?) Any way, we may not see each other that often but having lunch with her & talking was like we never missed a beat. It completely made my week! I love you cuz. Thank You.
I went today to see Dr. Harvey the radiologist, she needed to get my measurements for radiation. that was interesting. You lie on a cat scan table, boob out arms above the head. then the pillow thingy you lay on is a mold that they form to your shape as well as align a beam across the breast area, then they tattoo 3 little dots one on either side of both breasts & one in the center of the chest area. They look like freckles, & yes they are real permanent tattoos. I asked if I could get something cool, like stars , moons & maybe a ribbon.
Then photos of the area. and that's it. I will start radiation on December 27th. it will be about 15 min. everyday for 6 weeks. So on or about February 7th I will be done that! Then hopefully sometime in February remove the other breast, put in the expander and overectamy.
& depending on how my skin reacts to radiation, reconstruction sometime from September to February 2013.
This picture is of Me & Karlee C, (shes not happy) with a 6 foot Snake. At Anthony & Carmello M's Sixth Birthday Party.
Monday, October 24, 2011
A Shout Out to some supporters
Just wanted to inform you all of some amazing support I have gotten during this time. These are just two recent ones from town.
Jeanine from Studio 21 Beauty Bar in Hammonton has been doing Pink blinged out Martini glasses in honor of me & The koman foundation. & Is doing a brows for breasts event. Here's her ad...............................
Win free brows for one year! In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, Studio 21 will be holding a BROW-A-THON October 27 from 1 to 4 p.m. With a $10 donation for breast cancer research, you'll receive gorgeous brows and the chance to win free eyebrow shaping for an entire year! Brows for breasts
Also David Charles Jewelry in Hammonton is donating a protion of the proceeds from the breast cancer items to The Shirley Mae fund. In honor of me). Shirley Mae helps local women with cancer.
Thank you both so much for all your support. I am truly touched.
Jeanine from Studio 21 Beauty Bar in Hammonton has been doing Pink blinged out Martini glasses in honor of me & The koman foundation. & Is doing a brows for breasts event. Here's her ad...............................
Win free brows for one year! In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, Studio 21 will be holding a BROW-A-THON October 27 from 1 to 4 p.m. With a $10 donation for breast cancer research, you'll receive gorgeous brows and the chance to win free eyebrow shaping for an entire year! Brows for breasts
Also David Charles Jewelry in Hammonton is donating a protion of the proceeds from the breast cancer items to The Shirley Mae fund. In honor of me). Shirley Mae helps local women with cancer.
Thank you both so much for all your support. I am truly touched.
Breast Cancer Walk, & the Next step of Chemo........Taxol Oct. 24
Wow Lots to catch up on........First my today is my much older brother Paul's Birthday, so Happy Birthday PP! LOVE YOU SO MUCH, For being you & for always being there for me.
Last week was the Breast Cancer walk in OC NJ. I had wrote about it a few month ago. Laura designed the T-shirt & it turned out so cool. We had a beautiful day with some of my favorite people. Me & Joe, Mom, Lisa & Linda (long), My cousins came from North jersey Joanna, & Marie from Penncy, & brought me my fave. cookies she makes!, My Hammonton peeps came & brought lots of Pink Bling, LisaJo, Joanne, Cassy & My Karlee who made a Team Toni Banner for us to carry. & Of course my sidekick & her family Colleen, Ant, Lil Ant ( who if you ask what I have, he says I have sarcasm, he's 5 & already knows how sarcastic I can be) & Carmello & Megan. 2 of them kind of ate their way up & down the boardwalk. But the support was there. It was a sea of pink, support & very moving. So glad I was up for doing it.
I started the Taxol treatment the following Monday, The side effects are numbness in the hands & feet, body aches & all the other typical side effects. But the Dr. said most of those don't hit until a few treatments in.......AHHH Yea not so much!
They started of with giving me the IV of steroids, zofran & emmend. Then a large IV bag of benadryl, thats just in case i have an allergic reaction to the Taxol? So about an hour into getting the bennidril, i was still talking Lisa was there trying to do work while hanging with me, I made grocery lists for Mom who ran to Walmart . Kathy the nurse did not understand how I was still awake. Her reply most people would be asleep by now for at least a few hours. Lisa said she thought I was talking more...oh well I guess the benadryl had an adverse effect on me. It made me hyper? I did take a quick nap for maybe about an hour. But the whole process was 5 & a 1/2 hours.....Yea no one warned me of that. Good think I have the new Angry Birds game on my phone!
I felt pretty good the rest of the day, tired but I think mostly because it was just a long day.
They next day felt fine, same a before kind of rejuvenated. Most likely because of all the steroids I've been pumped up with.
Day 3, about 3:00 I hit the wall.......baaadddd. Body aches & the tingling in the fingers had started so bad I couldn't button a button. The bottoms of my feet were burning, & the aches where so bad I swear you could hear my knees Creek. Luckily I still had hydrocodone from before so that was it I needed to pop them & sleep. I was able to eat normally, no nausea. Thank Goodness. But up until Sunday I felt like I was 110.
So now I know what to expect, I go in today for blood work to check my counts that will be done through my port since last week the nurse slipped & I have a quarter sizee bruise on my arm!
Then 3 more treatments left. November 28th will be my last one!!!!!!!!!! & I should be good to go for the December Christmas season, I can not wait to eat Crabs & Spaghetti.
Below are pictures from the walk.
Last week was the Breast Cancer walk in OC NJ. I had wrote about it a few month ago. Laura designed the T-shirt & it turned out so cool. We had a beautiful day with some of my favorite people. Me & Joe, Mom, Lisa & Linda (long), My cousins came from North jersey Joanna, & Marie from Penncy, & brought me my fave. cookies she makes!, My Hammonton peeps came & brought lots of Pink Bling, LisaJo, Joanne, Cassy & My Karlee who made a Team Toni Banner for us to carry. & Of course my sidekick & her family Colleen, Ant, Lil Ant ( who if you ask what I have, he says I have sarcasm, he's 5 & already knows how sarcastic I can be) & Carmello & Megan. 2 of them kind of ate their way up & down the boardwalk. But the support was there. It was a sea of pink, support & very moving. So glad I was up for doing it.
I started the Taxol treatment the following Monday, The side effects are numbness in the hands & feet, body aches & all the other typical side effects. But the Dr. said most of those don't hit until a few treatments in.......AHHH Yea not so much!
They started of with giving me the IV of steroids, zofran & emmend. Then a large IV bag of benadryl, thats just in case i have an allergic reaction to the Taxol? So about an hour into getting the bennidril, i was still talking Lisa was there trying to do work while hanging with me, I made grocery lists for Mom who ran to Walmart . Kathy the nurse did not understand how I was still awake. Her reply most people would be asleep by now for at least a few hours. Lisa said she thought I was talking more...oh well I guess the benadryl had an adverse effect on me. It made me hyper? I did take a quick nap for maybe about an hour. But the whole process was 5 & a 1/2 hours.....Yea no one warned me of that. Good think I have the new Angry Birds game on my phone!
I felt pretty good the rest of the day, tired but I think mostly because it was just a long day.
They next day felt fine, same a before kind of rejuvenated. Most likely because of all the steroids I've been pumped up with.
Day 3, about 3:00 I hit the wall.......baaadddd. Body aches & the tingling in the fingers had started so bad I couldn't button a button. The bottoms of my feet were burning, & the aches where so bad I swear you could hear my knees Creek. Luckily I still had hydrocodone from before so that was it I needed to pop them & sleep. I was able to eat normally, no nausea. Thank Goodness. But up until Sunday I felt like I was 110.
So now I know what to expect, I go in today for blood work to check my counts that will be done through my port since last week the nurse slipped & I have a quarter sizee bruise on my arm!
Then 3 more treatments left. November 28th will be my last one!!!!!!!!!! & I should be good to go for the December Christmas season, I can not wait to eat Crabs & Spaghetti.
Below are pictures from the walk.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Round 4.....the last of the A/C chemo 10-1-11
Sorry never posted from the last chemo, & for the delay in posting, I've realized that typing on the computer & just looking at the computer makes my eyes & head hurt. I did not get the nuelasta shot, the Dr prescribed the nuepogin shot because it was the nuelasta that was giving me the migraine. Joe got the lucky job of giving me the shot at home for 6 days, so I needed to be nice to him. After this treatment in 2 weeks I will start the taxoil treatments, now that Ive got the A/C chemo down on what works & makes me feel better treatment will change.
Here are a few tips I've learned......
Eating an ice pop while getting chemo helps w/ the mouth sores
If I feel like a mouth sore is starting I eat an ice cube and numb the area & it seems to go away.
I had a bad esophagus burn and reflux from the chemo (that's lovely) so the Dr prescribed prilocet & that helps so much! Plus tums, lots of tums.
Cousin Stephanie D. Recommended preggi pops for the nausea they're found at maternity stores & they really work. Oh & they're all natural.
Of course the steroids cause hot head & with it having been hot out I would get the chills so keeping a scarf on my bald head helped keep the heat in & my body temp comfortable.
Taking a clairatin the night before I would get the nuepogin shot helps keep the bone ache down, don't know why but that was a tip from the Melinda the nurse at the center for cancer.
But for a quick update I'm doing pretty good, usually a few days down after chemo then about 6 days or so where I kinda feel like myself. Taste buds are off but that's OK. Cranberry juice, OJ & black cherry soda all taste good.
Also 2 new wigs, one was for a Housewives tour, My sidekick Colleen & I went to see the ladies dish....It was a fun night out & I gotta say they look better in person.
Then Moms wavy hair wig, It has a lace front so I need to cover it with a scarf, or it looks odd. But strangely enough I liked it, & any of my high school & Disney friends may remember when I actually had this hair & paid a lot of $$$ for it.
I was interviewed by the local paper for a series they are doing on cancer in town it's really good I'd I do say so myself. I'll post it on another page for your reading enjoyment. It's very exciting, another Peditto is in the news. Not about an animal rescue or a screen play, but cancer awareness!
It's breast cancer awareness month so if you haven't gotten your mammogram nows is as good a time as any!
Just a judging on the spelling bad enough i have no idea how to spell some of these meds, I now have whats called Chemo brain (yes it's real) so you have no memory & am a bit scrambled when it comes to re-reading & writing.
Here are a few tips I've learned......
Eating an ice pop while getting chemo helps w/ the mouth sores
If I feel like a mouth sore is starting I eat an ice cube and numb the area & it seems to go away.
I had a bad esophagus burn and reflux from the chemo (that's lovely) so the Dr prescribed prilocet & that helps so much! Plus tums, lots of tums.
Cousin Stephanie D. Recommended preggi pops for the nausea they're found at maternity stores & they really work. Oh & they're all natural.
Of course the steroids cause hot head & with it having been hot out I would get the chills so keeping a scarf on my bald head helped keep the heat in & my body temp comfortable.
Taking a clairatin the night before I would get the nuepogin shot helps keep the bone ache down, don't know why but that was a tip from the Melinda the nurse at the center for cancer.
But for a quick update I'm doing pretty good, usually a few days down after chemo then about 6 days or so where I kinda feel like myself. Taste buds are off but that's OK. Cranberry juice, OJ & black cherry soda all taste good.
Also 2 new wigs, one was for a Housewives tour, My sidekick Colleen & I went to see the ladies dish....It was a fun night out & I gotta say they look better in person.
Then Moms wavy hair wig, It has a lace front so I need to cover it with a scarf, or it looks odd. But strangely enough I liked it, & any of my high school & Disney friends may remember when I actually had this hair & paid a lot of $$$ for it.
I was interviewed by the local paper for a series they are doing on cancer in town it's really good I'd I do say so myself. I'll post it on another page for your reading enjoyment. It's very exciting, another Peditto is in the news. Not about an animal rescue or a screen play, but cancer awareness!
It's breast cancer awareness month so if you haven't gotten your mammogram nows is as good a time as any!
Just a judging on the spelling bad enough i have no idea how to spell some of these meds, I now have whats called Chemo brain (yes it's real) so you have no memory & am a bit scrambled when it comes to re-reading & writing.
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Strawberry stork mark? Sept. 19th
First I want to start off Wishing my god child Bopper Kati Peditto A very Happy 18th Birthday today! I love you.
So a quick cancer update. No Chemo today...White count is just a bit to low. But I did take the Nupogin shot & so far so good. I go back on Wednesday 9-21-11, if I'm all good, then I get chemo.
The reason for the title of this post is a genetic question. After losing all my hair Lisa asked if she had hurt me because she thought I had a rash on the back of my neck? My mom said no that's her Strawberry birthmark, all the Peditto's have one. I thought she was crazy, but as you will see in the picture of me & Darren we both have the same mark. Mom said Paul has it too. She also said Grandmom Peditto said that all her boys had them? So I am throwing this out there to all my cousins who are reading this & if you can ask around to those that are not. Who else has this birthmark? Now Zackary does not have one, but I think the gene must come from the father, & I know Kati has one cause I distinctly remember it. Not sure about Nick? (Paul or Steph does he?) Also I think Anna has one but can't be positive, but I will find out.
And is it a Peditto thing only or is it a Monaco thing too? I am so curious. Please let me know.
I have also added some pictures of my far Its a Blonde, Purple tips, & then the basic black. But no worries more will follow soon.
So a quick cancer update. No Chemo today...White count is just a bit to low. But I did take the Nupogin shot & so far so good. I go back on Wednesday 9-21-11, if I'm all good, then I get chemo.
The reason for the title of this post is a genetic question. After losing all my hair Lisa asked if she had hurt me because she thought I had a rash on the back of my neck? My mom said no that's her Strawberry birthmark, all the Peditto's have one. I thought she was crazy, but as you will see in the picture of me & Darren we both have the same mark. Mom said Paul has it too. She also said Grandmom Peditto said that all her boys had them? So I am throwing this out there to all my cousins who are reading this & if you can ask around to those that are not. Who else has this birthmark? Now Zackary does not have one, but I think the gene must come from the father, & I know Kati has one cause I distinctly remember it. Not sure about Nick? (Paul or Steph does he?) Also I think Anna has one but can't be positive, but I will find out.
And is it a Peditto thing only or is it a Monaco thing too? I am so curious. Please let me know.
I have also added some pictures of my far Its a Blonde, Purple tips, & then the basic black. But no worries more will follow soon.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
OC NJ Breast Cancer walk Oct 16th
Wanted to give everyone the heads up on Oct 16th we will be doing ( I hope to be doing, depending on how i feel) the OC NJ Breast Cancer walk on the boardwalk. If you would like to join us, the more the merrier.
This is the registration for that walk.
My cousin also designed a t-shirt if your interested & would like one let me know what size. I waiting on the cost to have the t-shirts printed but don't think it should be much.
Thank You for all the prayers & support.
This is the registration for that walk.
My cousin also designed a t-shirt if your interested & would like one let me know what size. I waiting on the cost to have the t-shirts printed but don't think it should be much.
Thank You for all the prayers & support.
Round 2 Chemo & Get out the Buzzers Sept. 14th
Again I apologize for the delay in my posting. It seems that this will be the normal amount of time in between posts after a chemo treatment. They are kicking my Ass! We or should I say I decided on treatment day
(9-7-11) that I was not going to take the Nuelasta shot or the Nupogin. If that's the cause of the migraines i wanted to narrow it down so it didn't happen again. Now lets hope when I go back on Monday Sept. 19th. My white count is OK & lucky me can have another treatment rather then having to skip a week to wait for them to go up.
So the pattern seems to be Treatment day....pretty good. a bit tired due to all the waiting and the fact that i', being given poison.
The 2nd day......Really good almost a boost, I'm sure from all the steroids & everything that is still moving through the system.
The 3rd day......Still pretty good, eating well a bit more tired but can still get around.
Day 4, 5, 6 out......That's about it, just out sort of an out of body experience, some nausea, very tired & then theres hot head from steroids, sweating, chills, dry mouth, your thirsty but nothing tastes good, so you don't want to drink( but you have to, to keep hydrated). Then the pills that help most of that just knock you oh & then theres the indigestion, so i eat a box of tums which adds to the dry mouth. Yup the fun has begun.
But if I can have 4 or 5 good days before my next treatment I'll take it.
Only 6 more to go..............
On another side effect as was said before I should loss my hair. Yup I did. I was told 14 days from the first chemo it was to the day. That's pretty good estimating.
So on Tuesday night I had my girlfriend Lisa come over to shave my head. It was better then waking up with it all over my pillow. ( Thank You Kristin, for that bit of advice. You were correct! That was a much better idea).
I decided to make it a bit of a party. Because it was last minute I didn't really get to invite a lot of people. But those that showed up where real troopers! Thank You, Lisa for the head shave it means more then you will ever know. Mom for not crying until Stephanie text you back, Amy for the professional photos,
Colleen (sidekick) for the idea to carve initials in the back of my head & not being the first one to cry, Jessica via Face time for the Mohawk idea & trying to control the situation from Maine. & Of course Joe for sitting in the back ground then kissing my head & telling me you love me & that you think I'm still beautiful hair or no hair. You guys really are a great support system. I love you all.
So now I sport a wig but a scarf more then that. wigs are itchy.
Then the next day I got even more support, my brother Darren shaved his head, & my cousin-in-law Tim who is married to my cousin Victor, shaved his head in support of me. Talk about touched, really i do not expect people to do that. but wow! I really feel lucky to have this amazing support system. Thanks Guys.
Until the next treatment........
(9-7-11) that I was not going to take the Nuelasta shot or the Nupogin. If that's the cause of the migraines i wanted to narrow it down so it didn't happen again. Now lets hope when I go back on Monday Sept. 19th. My white count is OK & lucky me can have another treatment rather then having to skip a week to wait for them to go up.
So the pattern seems to be Treatment day....pretty good. a bit tired due to all the waiting and the fact that i', being given poison.
The 2nd day......Really good almost a boost, I'm sure from all the steroids & everything that is still moving through the system.
The 3rd day......Still pretty good, eating well a bit more tired but can still get around.
Day 4, 5, 6 out......That's about it, just out sort of an out of body experience, some nausea, very tired & then theres hot head from steroids, sweating, chills, dry mouth, your thirsty but nothing tastes good, so you don't want to drink( but you have to, to keep hydrated). Then the pills that help most of that just knock you oh & then theres the indigestion, so i eat a box of tums which adds to the dry mouth. Yup the fun has begun.
But if I can have 4 or 5 good days before my next treatment I'll take it.
Only 6 more to go..............
On another side effect as was said before I should loss my hair. Yup I did. I was told 14 days from the first chemo it was to the day. That's pretty good estimating.
So on Tuesday night I had my girlfriend Lisa come over to shave my head. It was better then waking up with it all over my pillow. ( Thank You Kristin, for that bit of advice. You were correct! That was a much better idea).
I decided to make it a bit of a party. Because it was last minute I didn't really get to invite a lot of people. But those that showed up where real troopers! Thank You, Lisa for the head shave it means more then you will ever know. Mom for not crying until Stephanie text you back, Amy for the professional photos,
Colleen (sidekick) for the idea to carve initials in the back of my head & not being the first one to cry, Jessica via Face time for the Mohawk idea & trying to control the situation from Maine. & Of course Joe for sitting in the back ground then kissing my head & telling me you love me & that you think I'm still beautiful hair or no hair. You guys really are a great support system. I love you all.
So now I sport a wig but a scarf more then that. wigs are itchy.
Then the next day I got even more support, my brother Darren shaved his head, & my cousin-in-law Tim who is married to my cousin Victor, shaved his head in support of me. Talk about touched, really i do not expect people to do that. but wow! I really feel lucky to have this amazing support system. Thanks Guys.
Until the next treatment........
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Darren & Me |
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Tim before & after |
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
First Round down............Aug.31, 2011
The first round of chemo is out of the way....... only 7 more to go.
I was a bit unsure how i was going to react, of course i have heard how everyone else has done, so I went into it with a very positive attitude, well lets see, it seemed the average person I have either spoken to or have heard about has had no reaction or the meds have helped them so well they have had no nausea, no aches a little tired here & there, but otherwise no reaction. So while again I went into it with the glass is half full attitude, I got to be honest i had my doubts.
I mean lets look at all the odds, my lump was found & came back at first likely to be cancer, but not definite, looked like I had maybe 3 lymphnodes? ended up with 8, only a 10% chance to be BRACA1 positive & I am, I've had a hemotoma on my hand from the IV that nurse candy cane thought was fine, 2 blown veins from blood work. On the other hand the CT, & Pet scans all came back good. So maybe chemo won't be so bad......ehhhh, Nope not so much.
It started out OK, as i had said in the previous post, i felt pretty good afterward. Went to lunch, was tired but not knocked out. took a nap slept good. Got Up the next day & felt great, went over to the store, ran errands. I was like wow this is nothing........then it all started, That afternoon we had an earthquake, & I felt it! An F'ing earthquake in NJ? Talk about a WTF moment, I was watching as the hallmark stores windows actually buckled (never broke) but it was wild.
Then on Wednesday I had a slight headache but i had to go back to the Dr. for the Nuelasta shot, this boosts the bone marrow & helps keep the white cell count up, its a time released drug so it works over a 6 day period, its side effects are achy bones & can make you a bit tired. I told him about the headache & that Tylenol was barely touching it, so he prescribed hyrdocodone so if i had the achy bones & a headache this will help both, Well that day about 4:00 i hit the wall, It sort of felt like I had the flu, not bad but just the start I ate small amounts of things like, peanut butter crackers, pastina soup. Forcing myself to eat, because now I needed to take the hydra & wasn't doing that on an empty stomach that for sure would have made me sick. It really only knocked me out, & caused terrible heart burn. Now I was eating tums like crazy. (good thing they're good for you).
Thursday was like an out of body experience, I never felt like myself still had the headache & my body was throbbing. Took 1/2 a day at the store then lots of naps.
Friday was worse yet, now I have a full blown migraine, achy bones, throbbing body & can't even get up. Oh & there's a hurricane on the way!
So call the Dr. he calls in a script for Fiorcet, for migraines & it has codine. I send Joe to pick it up, add some more peanut butter crackers, saltines, OJ, cranapple juice and Advil just for good measure. By the time the script was actually ready, he came home w/ it, the crackers & a bad generic OJ i could not drink. That's all that was left, apparently we were in an Apocalypse & no one told us?
Mom came to stay w/ us for the 2 days so she wouldn't end up like Dorothy from the wizard of OZ at her house, this also gave her the opportunity to help take care of me, even though she did not want to stay & would escape when the pills would kick in & I'd pass out for a few hours.
As it turned out Irene was really a lot of rain & strong winds for us. Our neighbor lost a big oak, but nothing was damaged & we never even lost power. Thank God (make the sign of the cross, here ). It didn't matter much to me anyway those pills knocked me out till pretty much Sunday!
I got better each day, Monday went back to the Dr, my white cells are excellent, & he feels i had a bad reaction to the Nuelasta, that this caused the headaches. So my next treatment that will be on Wednesday Sept. 7th i will get a self injecting shot of Nupogin. I will give this to myself over the next 6 days but if I feel the migraines start I'm to stop it. Then we'll test my cells & see how i do.
I just love all the testing & we'll see how you do's.......but i guess that's why its called making strides.
Mom, Me & Lisa also went wig shopping on Monday, i got 3 wigs I will post pics with all my new do's after the hair falls out. I gotta keep you waiting to see something new nick name might just be
"Blonde Rapper TLP"
As of today Wednesday August 31st, I finally feel like myself. Still leery of certain foods. So, as my friend Gabe said this week "Table anything that might be a favorite, You don't want to NOT want something you love when this is all over" Good point, cause crabs & spags is my second favorite meal & just Joe mentioning making it, doesn't sound the least bit good. So I'll wait till this over to have that again!
Keep fingers & anything else crossed next week works out better.
Love all the prayers, thoughts & keep the comments coming.
I was a bit unsure how i was going to react, of course i have heard how everyone else has done, so I went into it with a very positive attitude, well lets see, it seemed the average person I have either spoken to or have heard about has had no reaction or the meds have helped them so well they have had no nausea, no aches a little tired here & there, but otherwise no reaction. So while again I went into it with the glass is half full attitude, I got to be honest i had my doubts.
I mean lets look at all the odds, my lump was found & came back at first likely to be cancer, but not definite, looked like I had maybe 3 lymphnodes? ended up with 8, only a 10% chance to be BRACA1 positive & I am, I've had a hemotoma on my hand from the IV that nurse candy cane thought was fine, 2 blown veins from blood work. On the other hand the CT, & Pet scans all came back good. So maybe chemo won't be so bad......ehhhh, Nope not so much.
It started out OK, as i had said in the previous post, i felt pretty good afterward. Went to lunch, was tired but not knocked out. took a nap slept good. Got Up the next day & felt great, went over to the store, ran errands. I was like wow this is nothing........then it all started, That afternoon we had an earthquake, & I felt it! An F'ing earthquake in NJ? Talk about a WTF moment, I was watching as the hallmark stores windows actually buckled (never broke) but it was wild.
Then on Wednesday I had a slight headache but i had to go back to the Dr. for the Nuelasta shot, this boosts the bone marrow & helps keep the white cell count up, its a time released drug so it works over a 6 day period, its side effects are achy bones & can make you a bit tired. I told him about the headache & that Tylenol was barely touching it, so he prescribed hyrdocodone so if i had the achy bones & a headache this will help both, Well that day about 4:00 i hit the wall, It sort of felt like I had the flu, not bad but just the start I ate small amounts of things like, peanut butter crackers, pastina soup. Forcing myself to eat, because now I needed to take the hydra & wasn't doing that on an empty stomach that for sure would have made me sick. It really only knocked me out, & caused terrible heart burn. Now I was eating tums like crazy. (good thing they're good for you).
Thursday was like an out of body experience, I never felt like myself still had the headache & my body was throbbing. Took 1/2 a day at the store then lots of naps.
Friday was worse yet, now I have a full blown migraine, achy bones, throbbing body & can't even get up. Oh & there's a hurricane on the way!
So call the Dr. he calls in a script for Fiorcet, for migraines & it has codine. I send Joe to pick it up, add some more peanut butter crackers, saltines, OJ, cranapple juice and Advil just for good measure. By the time the script was actually ready, he came home w/ it, the crackers & a bad generic OJ i could not drink. That's all that was left, apparently we were in an Apocalypse & no one told us?
Mom came to stay w/ us for the 2 days so she wouldn't end up like Dorothy from the wizard of OZ at her house, this also gave her the opportunity to help take care of me, even though she did not want to stay & would escape when the pills would kick in & I'd pass out for a few hours.
As it turned out Irene was really a lot of rain & strong winds for us. Our neighbor lost a big oak, but nothing was damaged & we never even lost power. Thank God (make the sign of the cross, here ). It didn't matter much to me anyway those pills knocked me out till pretty much Sunday!
I got better each day, Monday went back to the Dr, my white cells are excellent, & he feels i had a bad reaction to the Nuelasta, that this caused the headaches. So my next treatment that will be on Wednesday Sept. 7th i will get a self injecting shot of Nupogin. I will give this to myself over the next 6 days but if I feel the migraines start I'm to stop it. Then we'll test my cells & see how i do.
I just love all the testing & we'll see how you do's.......but i guess that's why its called making strides.
Mom, Me & Lisa also went wig shopping on Monday, i got 3 wigs I will post pics with all my new do's after the hair falls out. I gotta keep you waiting to see something new nick name might just be
"Blonde Rapper TLP"
As of today Wednesday August 31st, I finally feel like myself. Still leery of certain foods. So, as my friend Gabe said this week "Table anything that might be a favorite, You don't want to NOT want something you love when this is all over" Good point, cause crabs & spags is my second favorite meal & just Joe mentioning making it, doesn't sound the least bit good. So I'll wait till this over to have that again!
Keep fingers & anything else crossed next week works out better.
Love all the prayers, thoughts & keep the comments coming.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
A day I will never forget......August 22
Aunt JoAnn & Mom in 1988
My Aunt JoAnn Prelle August 22 1946-July 24 2002, Happy 65th Birthday. If anyone should be made a saint in our family it would have to be her!
There where a lot of coincidence's this day Aug. 22. It also would have been my Pops birthday her dads he would have been 88? (mom check me on my dates?)
My cousin Laura who is Aunt JoAnn's daughter came back from Austria for being abroad for a year (she's like my kid sister). She said she went there to study to be a peaceful spy...kidding it was really for Peace & conflict resolution. But I think she just went to travel Europe. Ahh to be 26 again!
It was my first treatment of Chemo.... Laura got to be there with me.:)
The place was great, Nurses Melinda, Gene, & Francesco he was the one mixing the meds. But he was from Venice Italy with a thick Italian accent, a big plant grower so the minute he found out that Joe was a horticulturist, he was picking his brain.
I'm not sure they knew what to do with us when we arrived.....Again I seem to show up with an Entourage!Luckily there was only 1 other woman in there so we took the seat farthest from her.
Mom brought Popsicles to help with the mouth sores so we were providing info to the nurses about natural remedies. They thought it was hysterical that I wanted my picture taken with the red chemo being put in, & that i didn't like my smile in some of the shots.
It took about 2 hours by the time they give you everything, saline, anti Nausea, then the A, then the C.
By the time I was done Francesco was bringing my mom in a plant that is some kind of succulent that keeps reproducing over & over again. And Joe some radicchio seeds he just brought back from Venice.
Then we all went out to lunch at The Maplewood, I got Egg Plant parm w/ French fries. Yum.
Came home felt pretty good, a little tired I think more cause I didn't sleep from the night before, and took one of the nausea pills on a just in case basis, had a headache and still sort of do. But otherwise feel pretty good.
They have come a long way since My Aunt Jo had cancer. But I know I have an angel- plus some up there making sure I beat this.
Mom is already planning her pizzelle baking for this office to bring for the next visit.
I also need to thank & apologize to some my Mom & Joe sorry for the crazy outbursts & emotional freak outs of last week. Thanks for still talking to me.
And to Lisa, Colleen, & Jessica thank you for listening to me cry, and rant and rave about the stupid things that happened last week. I need to learn to move on........& just take care of it.
Some of this I know I can blame on cancer, hormones etc. But I'm also a Sicilian - Calibres Italian woman.
I will go back on Wednesday for the nuelesta shot to keep blood counts up, then back on the 29th for a check up to see how my first time went. Then the next week I'm off cause my day falls on Labor day. So i think my next treatment will be on the September 12th. But I will keep you all posted.
Mom & Aunt JoAnn as teenagers |
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Friday, August 19, 2011
The Vacation is over..........August 16
Home from vacation, I will say it was very relaxing didn't do much not because I didn't want to but because I just couldn't. If you haven't seen the pictures on face book I will post some here so you can see how come we call it the Italians invade the lake. Here is a little run down.........
The house we rented this year had a large back patio, outdoor couches, hot tub, ping pong, fireplace & fire pit. It was so pretty just being out there was relaxing in it of itself.
I brought 3 of the books I've been given just so i made sure i had enough to read. The only one I read was "Cancer Schmancer" by Fran Drescher. It was awesome! Even if you don't have cancer i recommend it, funny, sad, enlightening ( I sound like the NY post book review) but a really good read. Thanks Aunt Lil for sending it to me.
We brought up the kayak's (for those of you who don't know Joe & I started Kayaking a few years ago & love it) I didn't make it out on mine, not enough mobility on the right arm just yet. But once i was able to get in the lake & hot tube that was some great PT. Also Kati had 2 friends w/her & the one's mom is a breast PT therapist so she called her for some easy exercises. Oh & Becky sings & plays guitar (awesome) & so we had a little sing a long moment by the fire.
Paul's friends ( & ours now too) Charlie & Jane & their family came up this year & rented a house too. So we had dinner w/ them 2 nights one night we cooked 18 people & another night we went to them., They did German night & I gotta say for never cooking German food before I thoroughly enjoyed it! But the night that was with us was Italian night, so Joe did his famous spaghetti & meatballs plus sausage, pork, mom made a Caesar salad oh & have i mentioned mom over compensates with food 4 different types of aps? Anyway plenty of food. so to wear off some of the food comes the "Spoons" game. Of which I have been the queen of spoons, I or should I say WE take no prisoners when we play, family friends visitors strangers Game on!
Now some of you have never heard of spoons??? Its a card game that's like musical chairs with spoons last person to grab a spoon is out! (Kati made special plastic spoons for us to use, now because metal tends to draw blood). Everyone insisted I not play their excuse i was still healing from surgery & couldn't use my right arm yet so I might get hurt, huh can you say they were all scarred, I'd win again. & We had new blood in town Charlies daughter Anna & her friend Leah, & Kati had new friends w/her this year Em, & Becky, Oh I was playing. So MY dear sister in law decides to saran wrap my arm down! For some reason Anna actually had experience in doing this before?? ( yeah don't ask).
I played left handed dealt this way & everything! Unfortunately did not win came down to the last 4, but my queen in training Kati did win, oh & she beat her dad you know my brother Perfect Paul!!! You go Girl. I gladly handed over the winners belt. Until next time, I almost have full mobility in the right arm victory will be mine again.
Oh & Joanna we play LRC too(not clr- lol) just so your aware. But that's a Xmas game w/ my friend Lisa & her family it gets very serious cause there's a lot of cash involved.
I also started to collect the smurfs from McD's, just found out you don't have to actually buy the happy meal to get the little guys! 8 later thank you very much. I remember when cousin Nancy had the whole set accessories and all I was so jealous. Well now I only need 2 of the 16 Jokey & the painter. Yes i get obsessed and a bit crazy when i feel I need to complete something.
So back to my cancer situation.... Chemo starts Monday the 22nd, and will go for 8 treatments over 16 weeks. I got the port put in on this past Monday, another fun out patient treatment. Your put under twilight sedation & numb the area with lidocaine before they slice you open. It went up above the left breast area & a wire tubing is slid to the jugular. I was out of it, but could hear what was going on, felt the first slice & let the Dr. know so he hit me up w/ more lidocaine. They were playing music it was great old rock and roll. At one point i was apparently taping my hand along to some Led Zeppelin & I know I heard the Dr. singing.
They really did a great job. Thanks to the folks at SJ Vascular!
I was sore for about 48 hours but its better now, my boob still hurts but its only been 7 weeks since surgery & they say about 3 months or so till you really get use to the expander. Lovely!
Finger crossed for the chemo to not be to bad??? I'll keep you all posted again thanks for all the posts, prayers and thoughts.
The house we rented this year had a large back patio, outdoor couches, hot tub, ping pong, fireplace & fire pit. It was so pretty just being out there was relaxing in it of itself.
I brought 3 of the books I've been given just so i made sure i had enough to read. The only one I read was "Cancer Schmancer" by Fran Drescher. It was awesome! Even if you don't have cancer i recommend it, funny, sad, enlightening ( I sound like the NY post book review) but a really good read. Thanks Aunt Lil for sending it to me.
We brought up the kayak's (for those of you who don't know Joe & I started Kayaking a few years ago & love it) I didn't make it out on mine, not enough mobility on the right arm just yet. But once i was able to get in the lake & hot tube that was some great PT. Also Kati had 2 friends w/her & the one's mom is a breast PT therapist so she called her for some easy exercises. Oh & Becky sings & plays guitar (awesome) & so we had a little sing a long moment by the fire.
Paul's friends ( & ours now too) Charlie & Jane & their family came up this year & rented a house too. So we had dinner w/ them 2 nights one night we cooked 18 people & another night we went to them., They did German night & I gotta say for never cooking German food before I thoroughly enjoyed it! But the night that was with us was Italian night, so Joe did his famous spaghetti & meatballs plus sausage, pork, mom made a Caesar salad oh & have i mentioned mom over compensates with food 4 different types of aps? Anyway plenty of food. so to wear off some of the food comes the "Spoons" game. Of which I have been the queen of spoons, I or should I say WE take no prisoners when we play, family friends visitors strangers Game on!
Now some of you have never heard of spoons??? Its a card game that's like musical chairs with spoons last person to grab a spoon is out! (Kati made special plastic spoons for us to use, now because metal tends to draw blood). Everyone insisted I not play their excuse i was still healing from surgery & couldn't use my right arm yet so I might get hurt, huh can you say they were all scarred, I'd win again. & We had new blood in town Charlies daughter Anna & her friend Leah, & Kati had new friends w/her this year Em, & Becky, Oh I was playing. So MY dear sister in law decides to saran wrap my arm down! For some reason Anna actually had experience in doing this before?? ( yeah don't ask).
I played left handed dealt this way & everything! Unfortunately did not win came down to the last 4, but my queen in training Kati did win, oh & she beat her dad you know my brother Perfect Paul!!! You go Girl. I gladly handed over the winners belt. Until next time, I almost have full mobility in the right arm victory will be mine again.
Oh & Joanna we play LRC too(not clr- lol) just so your aware. But that's a Xmas game w/ my friend Lisa & her family it gets very serious cause there's a lot of cash involved.
I also started to collect the smurfs from McD's, just found out you don't have to actually buy the happy meal to get the little guys! 8 later thank you very much. I remember when cousin Nancy had the whole set accessories and all I was so jealous. Well now I only need 2 of the 16 Jokey & the painter. Yes i get obsessed and a bit crazy when i feel I need to complete something.
So back to my cancer situation.... Chemo starts Monday the 22nd, and will go for 8 treatments over 16 weeks. I got the port put in on this past Monday, another fun out patient treatment. Your put under twilight sedation & numb the area with lidocaine before they slice you open. It went up above the left breast area & a wire tubing is slid to the jugular. I was out of it, but could hear what was going on, felt the first slice & let the Dr. know so he hit me up w/ more lidocaine. They were playing music it was great old rock and roll. At one point i was apparently taping my hand along to some Led Zeppelin & I know I heard the Dr. singing.
They really did a great job. Thanks to the folks at SJ Vascular!
I was sore for about 48 hours but its better now, my boob still hurts but its only been 7 weeks since surgery & they say about 3 months or so till you really get use to the expander. Lovely!
Finger crossed for the chemo to not be to bad??? I'll keep you all posted again thanks for all the posts, prayers and thoughts.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Round 2 begins Aug.2
Hi again.....Sorry its been a bit a little while.
Here's what going on, I had my last plastic surgery appointment and expansion. Again it hurt not as bad as the first 2 times but the next day it felt like i was punched in the chest. Thank goodness for meds!
I have met with the medical oncologist for NJ Dr. Greenberg, he is with the cancer center of NJ, and was very nice. Dr.Prowell (Tinkerbell) from Hopkins called him and spoke with him about what her suggestion of treatment would be, and he said he agreed. Its exactly what he would have prescribed. That makes me feel better, not that I feel the Dr's at Hopkins are the only ones who know what they are doing but when you go in blind not having known anything about a Dr its a bit nerve racking. I did ask around and found out Dr. Greenberg had been a Dr for a few friends family members and they all loved him. He also has an office in Hammonton, so it will be very convenient for the treatments.
Here's the plan.....I go on the 4th for the mugascan ( it tests the heart to make sure its strong enough for chemo) That's at SJ radiology, then meet Dr. Harvey on the 5th shes radiology. Aug 15th blood work at virtua voorhees, Aug 16th SJ vascular to have the port put in. And first treatment of chemo will be on August 22 (aunt Joann & my pops bdays?) Yup I now know they are up there watching me! Then on the 24th I go in for the Neulasta shot this helps keep the white blood cells up.
The start of the chemo treatment will be Adrianmycin-Cytoxin the A/C. That will be 4 cycles every 2 weeks, then they will start Taxol for 4 cycles every 2 weeks. so a total of 8 weeks. If everything goes well and i keep on schedule i will be done November 21 ( Joe's Birthday!) Then I take about 4 weeks off to get back into better health and radiation will start. Not sure exactly how long yet, but will keep you all posted.
So if everything stays on track and goes according to plan I will have a chemo and Dr. free Christmas!!!
We will be going on our family vacation this week, when the Italian's invade the lake, so I will be sure to keep everyone posted on all the chaos that happens up there. Oh and I'm cleared for swimming and lite kayaking!!! But no wake boarding this year? oh well....
Here's what going on, I had my last plastic surgery appointment and expansion. Again it hurt not as bad as the first 2 times but the next day it felt like i was punched in the chest. Thank goodness for meds!
I have met with the medical oncologist for NJ Dr. Greenberg, he is with the cancer center of NJ, and was very nice. Dr.Prowell (Tinkerbell) from Hopkins called him and spoke with him about what her suggestion of treatment would be, and he said he agreed. Its exactly what he would have prescribed. That makes me feel better, not that I feel the Dr's at Hopkins are the only ones who know what they are doing but when you go in blind not having known anything about a Dr its a bit nerve racking. I did ask around and found out Dr. Greenberg had been a Dr for a few friends family members and they all loved him. He also has an office in Hammonton, so it will be very convenient for the treatments.
Here's the plan.....I go on the 4th for the mugascan ( it tests the heart to make sure its strong enough for chemo) That's at SJ radiology, then meet Dr. Harvey on the 5th shes radiology. Aug 15th blood work at virtua voorhees, Aug 16th SJ vascular to have the port put in. And first treatment of chemo will be on August 22 (aunt Joann & my pops bdays?) Yup I now know they are up there watching me! Then on the 24th I go in for the Neulasta shot this helps keep the white blood cells up.
The start of the chemo treatment will be Adrianmycin-Cytoxin the A/C. That will be 4 cycles every 2 weeks, then they will start Taxol for 4 cycles every 2 weeks. so a total of 8 weeks. If everything goes well and i keep on schedule i will be done November 21 ( Joe's Birthday!) Then I take about 4 weeks off to get back into better health and radiation will start. Not sure exactly how long yet, but will keep you all posted.
So if everything stays on track and goes according to plan I will have a chemo and Dr. free Christmas!!!
We will be going on our family vacation this week, when the Italian's invade the lake, so I will be sure to keep everyone posted on all the chaos that happens up there. Oh and I'm cleared for swimming and lite kayaking!!! But no wake boarding this year? oh well....
Friday, July 22, 2011
The Glass is Half Full.......July 20th results
Thanks to my cousin Jo for reminding me that I should never stop looking at the glass as being half full. She was right. I went in for the the cat scan & the bone scan both of which came back clear! Yay.....It was a very long day of tests but well worth it.
It started at 11 am, got to the 3rd floor of the out patient center & they put in an IV it was to send a radioactive dye through my body, for the bone scan. This takes 2 hours for that to happen so i left there & headed to the cat scan next while the dye travel though out my body. Before the cat scan I get to drink this liquid, its a red crystal light drink that helps with the contrast when they put that in. Ugh i do not drink diet things so image something really sweet with a horrible diet after taste that's red, cold and 24oz. & my family is not understanding why I'm choking it down. Let alone they only gave me about 15 minutes to drink it!
I go in for the scan its only 5 min. very odd they put this stuff in the IV & the tech says now your body is going to get very warm, & you will feel like your peeing but I promise you, you are not. I feel it omg, are you sure I'm not peeing, (really thought I was, so odd). Oh let me back up a bit, so last Wednesday when I got home from my god awful day, There was a package waiting for me. It was a quilt made by my Aunt Joan (Jessica's mom) really a beautiful purple & pink quilt for me to take with me to the Dr's knowing its so cold in the office & for when I start chemo. I have received lots of gifts, Candy from the fudge kitchen (yum), flowers, cookies, fruit, PJ'S, Holy water, Saints, Prayer cards & cards galore....Flowers, dinners, food! More things then i could ever list & truly appreciate everything. I can't not thank you all enough. But the blanket i now believe is like a good luck charm.
OK back to the scan so as always its cold in there so they let me put the CQ(cancer quilt, that's what Joe calls it) On. I also had my padre pio relic taped to my arm, & my blessed mother bracelet from Gabby ( a fellow survivor).
Next up to the 4th floor to the Breast center to meet with Laura Gavin to hopefully have the drain removed. Yup its ready, first she expands the boob more this needs to be completed before any chemo can start. So she gives me 100cc of fluid that's double the week before. Watch out Dolly Parton this baby is standing straight up! Oh & hurts like a M'fer again!!! Now she rips the drain out, literally. I'm not feeling so good, a bit pale & light headed. But i need to get down stairs to the bone scan that's in 5 mins. So in a wheel chair I go.
I've had to take to pain killers thanks to the amount of pain i am in from expansion & the drain being removed so I am a bit out of it. This test should take about 45 mins. What happens next was sort of an out of body experience....I start to fall a sleep ( lots of pain meds & I'm really covered up since its cold in there my CQ is on me & padre pio. Can't have the bracelet its metal) I smelled this perfume odd cause its me & the tech in there only & I know shes not wearing any. sort of smelled like L'air Du Temp it was an old perfume smell i remember & believe grandmom Peditto or Aunt Lana used to wear it? or both? Any cousins with info on this? So i think either one or both of them was in the room w/ me.
The end result from a very long day...clear scans, chemo still for sure but only about 4 months now, depending on my health, radiation for 4 weeks, 5 days a week. all of this is less then was originally thought. & of course could change at any moment. But if all goes well reconstruction & ovaries out in August of 2012 instead of March 2013.....Finger crossed & keep the prayers comin. Love you all.
Next appointment Aug. 1, Dr.Sacks (plastics - last expansion), Aug. 2nd Medical oncology in NJ. To find out was the treatment will be.
Yucky red drink
It started at 11 am, got to the 3rd floor of the out patient center & they put in an IV it was to send a radioactive dye through my body, for the bone scan. This takes 2 hours for that to happen so i left there & headed to the cat scan next while the dye travel though out my body. Before the cat scan I get to drink this liquid, its a red crystal light drink that helps with the contrast when they put that in. Ugh i do not drink diet things so image something really sweet with a horrible diet after taste that's red, cold and 24oz. & my family is not understanding why I'm choking it down. Let alone they only gave me about 15 minutes to drink it!
I go in for the scan its only 5 min. very odd they put this stuff in the IV & the tech says now your body is going to get very warm, & you will feel like your peeing but I promise you, you are not. I feel it omg, are you sure I'm not peeing, (really thought I was, so odd). Oh let me back up a bit, so last Wednesday when I got home from my god awful day, There was a package waiting for me. It was a quilt made by my Aunt Joan (Jessica's mom) really a beautiful purple & pink quilt for me to take with me to the Dr's knowing its so cold in the office & for when I start chemo. I have received lots of gifts, Candy from the fudge kitchen (yum), flowers, cookies, fruit, PJ'S, Holy water, Saints, Prayer cards & cards galore....Flowers, dinners, food! More things then i could ever list & truly appreciate everything. I can't not thank you all enough. But the blanket i now believe is like a good luck charm.
OK back to the scan so as always its cold in there so they let me put the CQ(cancer quilt, that's what Joe calls it) On. I also had my padre pio relic taped to my arm, & my blessed mother bracelet from Gabby ( a fellow survivor).
Next up to the 4th floor to the Breast center to meet with Laura Gavin to hopefully have the drain removed. Yup its ready, first she expands the boob more this needs to be completed before any chemo can start. So she gives me 100cc of fluid that's double the week before. Watch out Dolly Parton this baby is standing straight up! Oh & hurts like a M'fer again!!! Now she rips the drain out, literally. I'm not feeling so good, a bit pale & light headed. But i need to get down stairs to the bone scan that's in 5 mins. So in a wheel chair I go.
I've had to take to pain killers thanks to the amount of pain i am in from expansion & the drain being removed so I am a bit out of it. This test should take about 45 mins. What happens next was sort of an out of body experience....I start to fall a sleep ( lots of pain meds & I'm really covered up since its cold in there my CQ is on me & padre pio. Can't have the bracelet its metal) I smelled this perfume odd cause its me & the tech in there only & I know shes not wearing any. sort of smelled like L'air Du Temp it was an old perfume smell i remember & believe grandmom Peditto or Aunt Lana used to wear it? or both? Any cousins with info on this? So i think either one or both of them was in the room w/ me.
The end result from a very long day...clear scans, chemo still for sure but only about 4 months now, depending on my health, radiation for 4 weeks, 5 days a week. all of this is less then was originally thought. & of course could change at any moment. But if all goes well reconstruction & ovaries out in August of 2012 instead of March 2013.....Finger crossed & keep the prayers comin. Love you all.
Next appointment Aug. 1, Dr.Sacks (plastics - last expansion), Aug. 2nd Medical oncology in NJ. To find out was the treatment will be.
Yucky red drink
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Delayed results from July 13th......(
Sorry I never updated the results from my July 13th visit. After getting home on that Wednesday I sort of hit a wall, a very large brick wall ( & that's how my boob feels too).
I decided I needed a little R&R at the beach, add in a little vitamin D, sand, drunken family, crabs, dairy bar, laughter & a BF ( Michele's, Chris) from Colorado who was stylin & profilin & I am good as new. Mentally for the time being anyway.
Any hoo, got to Hopkins at 1:00, go in to the breast center (they're starting to know me in there), I see Laura the nurse Practitioner, things look good, but nope still don't think I'm removing that drain....too much fluid. Ugh, your kidding me? So Dr. Sacks is there that day, she's going to have him come in & check me out. He comes in....." WOW look at that, I do nice work!" He is so excited about how my boob looks. But yup still too much fluid, drain stays, but Laura can expand me a little. This will take up some of the room & help alleviate the fluid. fingers crossed, come back on the 20th next Wednesday & it should able to come out. So they inflate it with another 50 cc. Nice its almost the same size as the other one? ( Sorry brothers if this is TMI?)
Next appointment all the way across the other side of the building......Radiology & Medical Oncology.
Radiology is running behind, so Dr. Prowell comes in first she is Medical Oncology. She reminds me of Tinkerbell with lots of cleavage. She's young but very smart. Has no idea I don't know my Pathology results & starts going over them......"So 8 of the 12 of your lymph nodes they removed were cancerous, & your tumor was 2 cm, OK the cells under the nipple are good.." Whoa what 8 were positive? oh you don't have these yet. UMM NO!
Ok so treatment will be about the same, but for about 6 months, your a stage 3 now. And we'll need a pet scan, & bone scan. Because of the # of nodes. We want to make sure that there are no more tumors or Cancer anywhere else in the body, before you start treatment. WTF. ( Yup its my new mantra) But usually I say the actual words, not the acronym.
Oh it says here your taking Yaz birth control? That's wrong, right? You stopped that? Um nope still taking it. WHAT? that should have been the 1st thing you did! Your cancer is estrogen receptive! You can not take any kind of hormone or birth control.
Yes first thing I threw out when I got home.
Dr. T calls me he doesn't realize I'm at Hopkins & Is calling me about my Path reports. So Tatiana ( Dr. Prowels first name) Calls him back. "Ted, Hi its Tatiana" ( watch it Tink Sandi Tallon is gonna get mad, she hears that flirting w/ dr. soft voice). Yes I'm w/ Ms. Peditto now going over her reports.
Finally Dr. Chin, & Dr. Zellers come in, same thing...yata yata yata....go over reports , ok so radiation will start a few weeks after chemo is done, for 4months.
So here's where I'm at.... Wed. 7-20, 1:00 Laura again, drain out? I hope. Expand me a little more.
Before that not sure what time, Pet scan then bone scan, 3:00 Dr. Prowell again, she should have the results of those 2 tests, then a definite treatment plan?
That may start in August....And about March radiation will begin.....then the following March after all healed up, skin is back to normal reconstruction & other boob is taken, & ovaries are removed.
So if all goes as planned it will all be over in & healed in April 2013.
And i am heading on a vacation somewhere, Maybe Seattle. My future sis in law Andrea always talks about what an amazing trip we could take. So maybe we'll do it? & I have family out there? Hummm
Oh almost forgot to talk about the pain from the expansion, as if its not bad enough that my boob is that brick wall I was telling you about, getting expanded hurts like an MF'er. let alone that the drain is still in, so it moved had to re-heal & stretch out the skin..... Lovely. Tylenol 3, hydracodone, & a Valium later I was fine.
Until next week. Unless something good happens in between.
I decided I needed a little R&R at the beach, add in a little vitamin D, sand, drunken family, crabs, dairy bar, laughter & a BF ( Michele's, Chris) from Colorado who was stylin & profilin & I am good as new. Mentally for the time being anyway.
Any hoo, got to Hopkins at 1:00, go in to the breast center (they're starting to know me in there), I see Laura the nurse Practitioner, things look good, but nope still don't think I'm removing that drain....too much fluid. Ugh, your kidding me? So Dr. Sacks is there that day, she's going to have him come in & check me out. He comes in....." WOW look at that, I do nice work!" He is so excited about how my boob looks. But yup still too much fluid, drain stays, but Laura can expand me a little. This will take up some of the room & help alleviate the fluid. fingers crossed, come back on the 20th next Wednesday & it should able to come out. So they inflate it with another 50 cc. Nice its almost the same size as the other one? ( Sorry brothers if this is TMI?)
Next appointment all the way across the other side of the building......Radiology & Medical Oncology.
Radiology is running behind, so Dr. Prowell comes in first she is Medical Oncology. She reminds me of Tinkerbell with lots of cleavage. She's young but very smart. Has no idea I don't know my Pathology results & starts going over them......"So 8 of the 12 of your lymph nodes they removed were cancerous, & your tumor was 2 cm, OK the cells under the nipple are good.." Whoa what 8 were positive? oh you don't have these yet. UMM NO!
Ok so treatment will be about the same, but for about 6 months, your a stage 3 now. And we'll need a pet scan, & bone scan. Because of the # of nodes. We want to make sure that there are no more tumors or Cancer anywhere else in the body, before you start treatment. WTF. ( Yup its my new mantra) But usually I say the actual words, not the acronym.
Oh it says here your taking Yaz birth control? That's wrong, right? You stopped that? Um nope still taking it. WHAT? that should have been the 1st thing you did! Your cancer is estrogen receptive! You can not take any kind of hormone or birth control.
Yes first thing I threw out when I got home.
Dr. T calls me he doesn't realize I'm at Hopkins & Is calling me about my Path reports. So Tatiana ( Dr. Prowels first name) Calls him back. "Ted, Hi its Tatiana" ( watch it Tink Sandi Tallon is gonna get mad, she hears that flirting w/ dr. soft voice). Yes I'm w/ Ms. Peditto now going over her reports.
Finally Dr. Chin, & Dr. Zellers come in, same thing...yata yata yata....go over reports , ok so radiation will start a few weeks after chemo is done, for 4months.
So here's where I'm at.... Wed. 7-20, 1:00 Laura again, drain out? I hope. Expand me a little more.
Before that not sure what time, Pet scan then bone scan, 3:00 Dr. Prowell again, she should have the results of those 2 tests, then a definite treatment plan?
That may start in August....And about March radiation will begin.....then the following March after all healed up, skin is back to normal reconstruction & other boob is taken, & ovaries are removed.
So if all goes as planned it will all be over in & healed in April 2013.
And i am heading on a vacation somewhere, Maybe Seattle. My future sis in law Andrea always talks about what an amazing trip we could take. So maybe we'll do it? & I have family out there? Hummm
Oh almost forgot to talk about the pain from the expansion, as if its not bad enough that my boob is that brick wall I was telling you about, getting expanded hurts like an MF'er. let alone that the drain is still in, so it moved had to re-heal & stretch out the skin..... Lovely. Tylenol 3, hydracodone, & a Valium later I was fine.
Until next week. Unless something good happens in between.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Editors needed
I now understand why it is so hard to get published you need to have all the correct facts. Spelling and grammar are very important, and a good editor is huge.
I believe this is as close as I will ever get to being a published writer and I'm OK with that.
So I need to edit myself......On my previous post I told you about a poem that was sent to me. Now I assumed ( we all know what happens when you assume?, ass, u, me?) it was from Megan who works for us. I even text her the day I got it & said omg, i am crying its the nicest thing anyone could have ever written about me. & was a bit curious when she never responded.
Now I did question whether it was from her or a very old dear friend, Meg D. whom i knew from the 6th grade was one of my closest and dearest friends, same time I was friends with Debi. We were the 4 musketeers basically, Me, Jessica, Meg & Debi.
But i lost touch with Meg about a year after I got married she was in my first wedding ( sorry for the dresses)
But as we know people drift apart.
When I read it though it did seem like something her very creative brain could have written, But no return address or last name. Similar handwriting as to what I remember from 25 years ago too.
I was on my way home just now and Megs from the store text me & said while she was very touched by what i wrote about her she could not take credit for something she did not write. ( Always the Honorable one). I still meant everything I said about my Megs too.
And that's when It hit me OMG! It was my old Meg??? So Meg DV. I am so sorry i gave credit to the wrong person. I am even more touched by you having written that, because it has been so long since we've been in touch. Thank You so much. I really do love it and still cry when I read it.
Miss You my friend.
I believe this is as close as I will ever get to being a published writer and I'm OK with that.
So I need to edit myself......On my previous post I told you about a poem that was sent to me. Now I assumed ( we all know what happens when you assume?, ass, u, me?) it was from Megan who works for us. I even text her the day I got it & said omg, i am crying its the nicest thing anyone could have ever written about me. & was a bit curious when she never responded.
Now I did question whether it was from her or a very old dear friend, Meg D. whom i knew from the 6th grade was one of my closest and dearest friends, same time I was friends with Debi. We were the 4 musketeers basically, Me, Jessica, Meg & Debi.
But i lost touch with Meg about a year after I got married she was in my first wedding ( sorry for the dresses)
But as we know people drift apart.
When I read it though it did seem like something her very creative brain could have written, But no return address or last name. Similar handwriting as to what I remember from 25 years ago too.
I was on my way home just now and Megs from the store text me & said while she was very touched by what i wrote about her she could not take credit for something she did not write. ( Always the Honorable one). I still meant everything I said about my Megs too.
And that's when It hit me OMG! It was my old Meg??? So Meg DV. I am so sorry i gave credit to the wrong person. I am even more touched by you having written that, because it has been so long since we've been in touch. Thank You so much. I really do love it and still cry when I read it.
Miss You my friend.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
A poem about me .......July 8th
I just wanted to share something with everyone that I received the other day. It is from Megan she works at the store for us, we found her back in November, by chance when we had just put up a part time help wanted sign, she came in with her mom BonBon filled out an application I had her come back to interview & felt like I was looking at myself at 19 years old. Aside from the fact that she is a redhead with blue eyes one of the only Irish girls in Hammonton. But her personality is amazing. If I asked in the ad for a reliable, experienced, nice, customer service oriented, funny, & an amazing person in general Megan would be it. Little did know she could write as well. She sent me a card and this is what she wrote......
This is what I know about Toni........
You are strong, But pretty, elegant and feminine.
You are bright,with one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen when you laugh.
and your laugh is loud and large like your love for life
You're fun and bring adventure and fearlessness into any room.
Your unexpected-a big personality in a tiny package.
Your self-esteem makes us jealous, and your self -confidence soars.
you kick butt and don't take crap, but with integrity and grace.
You never stop at "no" you see a goal and don't stop until its reached .
You lead your life to take you where you want to go.
Anyone who knows you even as little as I do, has no doubt about your strength.
All these thing are why i know you will persevere.....theres not a fraction of doubt in my mind.- Megan
OK I'm crying again as I write it for you all to read.
Thank You Megs, You truly are a godsend. love you.
This is what I know about Toni........
You are strong, But pretty, elegant and feminine.
You are bright,with one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen when you laugh.
and your laugh is loud and large like your love for life
You're fun and bring adventure and fearlessness into any room.
Your unexpected-a big personality in a tiny package.
Your self-esteem makes us jealous, and your self -confidence soars.
you kick butt and don't take crap, but with integrity and grace.
You never stop at "no" you see a goal and don't stop until its reached .
You lead your life to take you where you want to go.
Anyone who knows you even as little as I do, has no doubt about your strength.
All these thing are why i know you will persevere.....theres not a fraction of doubt in my mind.- Megan
OK I'm crying again as I write it for you all to read.
Thank You Megs, You truly are a godsend. love you.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Post Op.........July 7th
Yesterday started out pretty good, woke up about 9. Paul & Joe decided to go on a speed fishing trip. My Dr's appointments were at 1:20, & 2:30. It was 9:30 if they left then & got back by 12:00 they would have
2 1/2 hours to catch striper. At 5 till noon Joe texts they are on they're way back. Caught the limit & headed in.
We head to the hospital for the appointment's, they are running behind. That happens, but I'm tired I really just want to sleep.
Mom decided she wanted to bring pizelles to all the Dr's & Nurses who have helped me. (food over compensation) So while waiting we go in & see Mary Capano the nurse navigator who got me my first appointment. She is thrilled, we tell her to share with the rest of the staff.
I'm called in and see Dr.T ( Dr. soothing voice) first, he is really nice he hugs me, shakes mom & Joe's hands thanks her for the cookies, We tell him he has his own batch. "Oh man I don't need anymore do you see this roll already?" but thank you & he takes them anyway.
Then he proceeds to tell me what he did & what he knows so far...........
So he removed the area behind the nipple to as close as he could get it, to keep the nipple intact. He did the same thing with the area by the tumor, as close to the epidermis as he could get (that's the outer skin), but so as to not harm the outer skin. That will all be tested. If it comes back that, any of those areas are cancerous ( which he knocked on wood, even though it was Formica not wood I'LL TAKE IT) he has had it happen once & they went back in and removed the nipple, that could be my option or he could go in and scrape out more tissue. He knocks again on Formica & said he has NEVER had anyone come back with cancer cells in that area. Now the optimist in me says NEVER is good, The pessimist in me says so far the never say never statement in the beginning went against me as did the 10% chance of having the BRACA1 gene.
So needless to say I am not holding my breath.
Then this is when my day stared to suck! He removed some lymph nodes, I knew he was going to, they said they knew at least 1 was cancerous, he originally thought he'd take about 6. Well he took 12 turns out once he got in there, he found more nodes that looked bad. Awesome!
When i went into this I was thinking maybe some chemo & a little radiation. But now not so much.
He doesn't have the pathology reports back yet, there is nothing to be alarmed about, this is just Hopkins, Its not a bad thing, its because its a teaching hospital, so everyone, & I mean everyone, from the lab to the attending to the fellowships all want to take a look and get the best results possible. He stopped apologising for this a long time ago. So he doesn't have written results meaning he won't commit to the level of cancer I have. I can find that out for sure on Monday.
He looks at my boob, comments on how good it looks & what a great surgeon I must have had. I laugh but all I want to do is cry.
He thanks mom again for the cookies shakes hands, hugs me & sends in his assistant to set up appointments with the radiologist & oncologist.
Now hes gone & I lose it....yup I cry, not sure how I'm supposed to feel this sucks, if i would stop looking at the glass as half full then maybe i would be so disappointed when its not.
Now its the nurse practitioner for the plastic surgeon. Laura. She comes in looks at my boob, everything looks good, the one drain is really slow so she can take it out. Yay, that's one down. she is leaving the other one in it will absorb any excess from the other one too. She isn't filling the expander anymore yet, I have a small area on the bottom of the incision that looks like a bruise or maybe a blister, if she fills the expander it will separate that area from getting more blood flow & she doesn't want that to happen. So come back next week, maybe take out the other drain and fill me up some more.
I'm still optimistic just bummed, I'll get over it I'm sure by the beginning of next week, thought maybe getting out would help, went to walmart for a bit to get new bras bought the wrong size sports bra & jersey shorts comfy things to sit around in. But that only tired me out.
I have my appointment's all set up for next week, Wed. July 13th. exactly 2 months since being diagnosed i will meet with the Nurse practitioner again, the radiologist & the oncologist.
They will be giving me their opinion on my treatment, But treatment will be being done here in NJ, I have a radiologist, but am still looking for an oncologist if anyone has any suggestions I'll take them.
2 1/2 hours to catch striper. At 5 till noon Joe texts they are on they're way back. Caught the limit & headed in.
We head to the hospital for the appointment's, they are running behind. That happens, but I'm tired I really just want to sleep.
Mom decided she wanted to bring pizelles to all the Dr's & Nurses who have helped me. (food over compensation) So while waiting we go in & see Mary Capano the nurse navigator who got me my first appointment. She is thrilled, we tell her to share with the rest of the staff.
I'm called in and see Dr.T ( Dr. soothing voice) first, he is really nice he hugs me, shakes mom & Joe's hands thanks her for the cookies, We tell him he has his own batch. "Oh man I don't need anymore do you see this roll already?" but thank you & he takes them anyway.
Then he proceeds to tell me what he did & what he knows so far...........
So he removed the area behind the nipple to as close as he could get it, to keep the nipple intact. He did the same thing with the area by the tumor, as close to the epidermis as he could get (that's the outer skin), but so as to not harm the outer skin. That will all be tested. If it comes back that, any of those areas are cancerous ( which he knocked on wood, even though it was Formica not wood I'LL TAKE IT) he has had it happen once & they went back in and removed the nipple, that could be my option or he could go in and scrape out more tissue. He knocks again on Formica & said he has NEVER had anyone come back with cancer cells in that area. Now the optimist in me says NEVER is good, The pessimist in me says so far the never say never statement in the beginning went against me as did the 10% chance of having the BRACA1 gene.
So needless to say I am not holding my breath.
Then this is when my day stared to suck! He removed some lymph nodes, I knew he was going to, they said they knew at least 1 was cancerous, he originally thought he'd take about 6. Well he took 12 turns out once he got in there, he found more nodes that looked bad. Awesome!
When i went into this I was thinking maybe some chemo & a little radiation. But now not so much.
He doesn't have the pathology reports back yet, there is nothing to be alarmed about, this is just Hopkins, Its not a bad thing, its because its a teaching hospital, so everyone, & I mean everyone, from the lab to the attending to the fellowships all want to take a look and get the best results possible. He stopped apologising for this a long time ago. So he doesn't have written results meaning he won't commit to the level of cancer I have. I can find that out for sure on Monday.
He looks at my boob, comments on how good it looks & what a great surgeon I must have had. I laugh but all I want to do is cry.
He thanks mom again for the cookies shakes hands, hugs me & sends in his assistant to set up appointments with the radiologist & oncologist.
Now hes gone & I lose it....yup I cry, not sure how I'm supposed to feel this sucks, if i would stop looking at the glass as half full then maybe i would be so disappointed when its not.
Now its the nurse practitioner for the plastic surgeon. Laura. She comes in looks at my boob, everything looks good, the one drain is really slow so she can take it out. Yay, that's one down. she is leaving the other one in it will absorb any excess from the other one too. She isn't filling the expander anymore yet, I have a small area on the bottom of the incision that looks like a bruise or maybe a blister, if she fills the expander it will separate that area from getting more blood flow & she doesn't want that to happen. So come back next week, maybe take out the other drain and fill me up some more.
I'm still optimistic just bummed, I'll get over it I'm sure by the beginning of next week, thought maybe getting out would help, went to walmart for a bit to get new bras bought the wrong size sports bra & jersey shorts comfy things to sit around in. But that only tired me out.
I have my appointment's all set up for next week, Wed. July 13th. exactly 2 months since being diagnosed i will meet with the Nurse practitioner again, the radiologist & the oncologist.
They will be giving me their opinion on my treatment, But treatment will be being done here in NJ, I have a radiologist, but am still looking for an oncologist if anyone has any suggestions I'll take them.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Saying The Words CANCER......July 5th
Its kind of odd as I sit here healing from the breast surgery, I'm watching TV & the Price Is Right is on, the new one with Drew Carey, & a women wins to be the next contestant to come on down & she has a Drew Got Us Though T-shirt on with the breast cancer ribbon on it. He says oh look Its our BC t-shirt she says yup & you helped get me though it. That's when I realized wow that's me too.
I guess because its not a fast moving cancer & I could take my time on making the decision what my next step is. I never really felt like I was that person. But reality is I am. Don't go getting upset reading this I'm still being positive & I know I AM going to beat this. Its just an odd feeling that I am labeled as a person with breast cancer & eventually will be known as a survivor.
To top off everything that is happening to me, on Monday June 27th the day before we leave to go to MD, Joe came home from work that day with out a job! Yes they are restructuring and decided to let 8 people go. Joe being one of them. Yes 2 days before his fiance has breast surgery. I was a bit pissed off at god when he told me, & A good friend Steph D. had said to me a while ago that "god doesn't give you anything you can't handle" She just wished he would start to pick on a different family. I have to agree with that. But then I was reminded of another cliche " everything happens for a reason" & this is true too, If he were still working for PHS he wouldn't be able to be home taking care of me. I can't begin to tell you how awesome he is, I don't know how I could love him anymore then I already did, but I do.
So anyone who knows of a job send it his way.
He's a horticulturist by trade, but decided he could captain a boat & fish all summer too.
Seeing the Doc's on Thursday 7-7. Will let you all know what the next step is.
I guess because its not a fast moving cancer & I could take my time on making the decision what my next step is. I never really felt like I was that person. But reality is I am. Don't go getting upset reading this I'm still being positive & I know I AM going to beat this. Its just an odd feeling that I am labeled as a person with breast cancer & eventually will be known as a survivor.
To top off everything that is happening to me, on Monday June 27th the day before we leave to go to MD, Joe came home from work that day with out a job! Yes they are restructuring and decided to let 8 people go. Joe being one of them. Yes 2 days before his fiance has breast surgery. I was a bit pissed off at god when he told me, & A good friend Steph D. had said to me a while ago that "god doesn't give you anything you can't handle" She just wished he would start to pick on a different family. I have to agree with that. But then I was reminded of another cliche " everything happens for a reason" & this is true too, If he were still working for PHS he wouldn't be able to be home taking care of me. I can't begin to tell you how awesome he is, I don't know how I could love him anymore then I already did, but I do.
So anyone who knows of a job send it his way.
He's a horticulturist by trade, but decided he could captain a boat & fish all summer too.
Seeing the Doc's on Thursday 7-7. Will let you all know what the next step is.
Monday, July 4, 2011
First night in the hospital.........June 29th
My first night in the hospital was interesting. As to be expected I was out of it, got to the room about 10pm my nurse was Sabrina she was awesome. Aside from the fact that I had no idea that when you leave recovery you don't get anymore pain meds then the pump, until they put you on oral meds. Now that sucked. Yes I was in pain, they just removed a boob for crying out loud. & i WAS! Crying out loud. This was my first hospital stay besides when I had zackary 19 years ago.
Now I understand why people say you don't get to sleep or relax in the hospital. They really do wake you up every 3 hours.
So first in at about 10:30, Dr. A I can't remember his name it was a really long Italian name he was an associate of Dr.Tsangaris, but I nick named him Dr. Mchottie! Joe went down to the family lounge to get a bottled water (in the Marburg area they give you free, Fuji, Perrier, juices etc. ) So Joe was loading up. He came back in just as Dr. Mchottie was leaving. But i did tell him I was sorry but that Dr. was soooo hot & I needed to tell someone.
I finally get to sleep & they came in to take blood? really 3am You need to do this? 5am I wake up, to the next set of associates doing rounds. Now its Dr. Sacks associates. Dr Fine....oh & he was!
Everyone of course needs to check out the boob. I get to see it for the first time, & WOW its still me, I can not believe how good it looks. They kept my nipple and have filled it only with 22cc of fluid so far, but it will keep getting filled when I go back for my post op visits.
I wake up at 7:30 am now and feel pretty good still, I call Jessica because I know she has driven my mom crazy & just really wants to hear my voice that I am OK, even though mom has said I was fine, she is always the Attorney & wouldn't believe it until she hears it herself. I do great, get up out of bed to use the bathroom myself & everything.
Then theres a knock on the door, Hi its room service, yes room service, she comes in & takes my order. Now I only get clear liquids but she did give me some pretty good options.
Now the rough part begins, about 8 am my IV starts to beep, and I'm in A LOT of pain! When I fell asleep I wasn't pushing the pain mends button in time so my pain caught up to me. Now I'm crying & choking in comes my new nurse Candy (striper). First she starts by trying to sit me up by my right arm. Ah hello I had surgery on my right side. Then I get in the bathroom & she needs to take a call she'll be back for me in 5 minutes. Oh no I am not sitting on the toilet for 5 mins. So in comes an intern she goes to help me up by the right side too. I say WTF! Mind you there's a sign over my bed that says NO right side procedures.
Finally I get in a seated position and mom helps me sip my veggie broth with a straw.
Now they start to give me pain pills orally ahhhhh relief.
There was another small incident where we realized that my IV was no longer in correctly so when I was given Valium intravenously it felt like my hand was on fire! It was supposedly because I had small veins. Ah yea then I get an IV of pain meds, this too feels like my hand is on fire.
Not good, I am not happy, they decide to keep me for an extra day, because the pain is not under control.
I start to feel better & decide to take a walk & I get to sit out on the veranda. YAY.....I'm outside.
Ahh fresh air.
As it turns out in the middle of the night again I'm woken up, its a new nurse Amalia, she starts to flush out my IV to give me meds I tell her it hurts & I feel it. She looks & says its not in correct anymore. So she called to have my IV changed out. Then they give me the meds after its changed & I feel nothing. Oh Thank you no more pain!!!!
I'm sent home later that day. With parting gifts, A TY teddy bear, slipper socks the good kind, a pink JHH travel mug, Belgium chocolates, shell gas cards & a parking voucher (it was more like a hotel stay) I asked if they could hold my room for my return next year?? ...not a great ride home 3 hours in the car after surgery not a good idea.
But I am home now its been 5 days since surgery & I feel really good.
July 7th are all my Post Op appointments. I'll have the Pathology reports back & they'll let me know what the next step is.
Thanks again for all the prayers, thoughts , texts & messages they mean so much.
Dr,Tsangaris OR Dr. comfort voice
Now I understand why people say you don't get to sleep or relax in the hospital. They really do wake you up every 3 hours.
So first in at about 10:30, Dr. A I can't remember his name it was a really long Italian name he was an associate of Dr.Tsangaris, but I nick named him Dr. Mchottie! Joe went down to the family lounge to get a bottled water (in the Marburg area they give you free, Fuji, Perrier, juices etc. ) So Joe was loading up. He came back in just as Dr. Mchottie was leaving. But i did tell him I was sorry but that Dr. was soooo hot & I needed to tell someone.
I finally get to sleep & they came in to take blood? really 3am You need to do this? 5am I wake up, to the next set of associates doing rounds. Now its Dr. Sacks associates. Dr Fine....oh & he was!
Everyone of course needs to check out the boob. I get to see it for the first time, & WOW its still me, I can not believe how good it looks. They kept my nipple and have filled it only with 22cc of fluid so far, but it will keep getting filled when I go back for my post op visits.
I wake up at 7:30 am now and feel pretty good still, I call Jessica because I know she has driven my mom crazy & just really wants to hear my voice that I am OK, even though mom has said I was fine, she is always the Attorney & wouldn't believe it until she hears it herself. I do great, get up out of bed to use the bathroom myself & everything.
Then theres a knock on the door, Hi its room service, yes room service, she comes in & takes my order. Now I only get clear liquids but she did give me some pretty good options.
Now the rough part begins, about 8 am my IV starts to beep, and I'm in A LOT of pain! When I fell asleep I wasn't pushing the pain mends button in time so my pain caught up to me. Now I'm crying & choking in comes my new nurse Candy (striper). First she starts by trying to sit me up by my right arm. Ah hello I had surgery on my right side. Then I get in the bathroom & she needs to take a call she'll be back for me in 5 minutes. Oh no I am not sitting on the toilet for 5 mins. So in comes an intern she goes to help me up by the right side too. I say WTF! Mind you there's a sign over my bed that says NO right side procedures.
Finally I get in a seated position and mom helps me sip my veggie broth with a straw.
Now they start to give me pain pills orally ahhhhh relief.
There was another small incident where we realized that my IV was no longer in correctly so when I was given Valium intravenously it felt like my hand was on fire! It was supposedly because I had small veins. Ah yea then I get an IV of pain meds, this too feels like my hand is on fire.
Not good, I am not happy, they decide to keep me for an extra day, because the pain is not under control.
I start to feel better & decide to take a walk & I get to sit out on the veranda. YAY.....I'm outside.
Ahh fresh air.
As it turns out in the middle of the night again I'm woken up, its a new nurse Amalia, she starts to flush out my IV to give me meds I tell her it hurts & I feel it. She looks & says its not in correct anymore. So she called to have my IV changed out. Then they give me the meds after its changed & I feel nothing. Oh Thank you no more pain!!!!
I'm sent home later that day. With parting gifts, A TY teddy bear, slipper socks the good kind, a pink JHH travel mug, Belgium chocolates, shell gas cards & a parking voucher (it was more like a hotel stay) I asked if they could hold my room for my return next year?? ...not a great ride home 3 hours in the car after surgery not a good idea.
But I am home now its been 5 days since surgery & I feel really good.
July 7th are all my Post Op appointments. I'll have the Pathology reports back & they'll let me know what the next step is.
Thanks again for all the prayers, thoughts , texts & messages they mean so much.
Dr,Tsangaris OR Dr. comfort voice
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Pre & Post Surgery.........June 29th
Lets play catch up..... We know I have the BRACA1 gene, I've decided to have a Bi-Lateral Mastectomy & eventually will have the ovaries removed.
I spoke with a few different women to get an idea of what to expect. Taking into consideration that everyones situation is different & everyones pain tolerance is different.
Here is what I had done.....On the 29th they took the right breast only, why? because they only take the breast that has the tumor first, put in an expander to start to shape the breast while I undergo the rest of my treatments. It best to use my skin and my fat to keep it from becoming messed up during radiation especially.
After I get done all treatments approximately 1 year from now, I will have reconstruction and have the other breast removed and reconstructed as well. Depending on my level of fat on the tummy or the butt after all is said & done will depend on where they take it from or if they add implants too.
I head into the pre-op prep area & they start to get me ready.
After about 1/2 hour they let the family come back, Joe, Mom, Paul & Stephanie are all there.
Dr.Tsangaris(dr.soothing voice) comes in first, he has a question am I doing the nipple sparing? What, that's an option? Yes because my tumor is so high up on my chest he can save my nipple and I will not have to have a nipple re-build or a tattoo to get the nipple back! Ye haw, damn Skippy I want you to keep my nipple.
Then he signs my boob. This is so they remove the correct one.
Next Dr. Sacks comes in, we talk about what he will be doing then we talk about what approximate size he will be making me. We debate again on the B - C cup.
He signs my boob too. Then tells the family that when they see him, my surgery is done & I am in recovery.
Surgery is about 4 hours took a bit longer because they saved my nipple.
I'm in recovery for longer then normal, I didn't handle the anesthesia to well & kept getting sick. Even got sick when Paul was in there typing up the blog update & my brother wiped vomit from my chin. (just like he used to do when I was 18). Only it was for a different reason. :)
They finally tell me they are moving me to a room, my nurse Michelle comes in & says they're bringing you to the Marburg Pavilion. That's the hospital suite rooms. I have no idea what she is talking about.
An orderly is wheeling me out & says wow the Marburg Pavilion, nice they're Fancy shmancy. That's were they put all the Kings,sheik's,princesses etc. So i say Yup that's me I'm Princess of Monaco, the Family. ( Grandmom Peditto's Maiden name). He just thinks I'm high & has no idea what I'm talking about.
More to come & more about my stay tomorrow.
Paul Sleeping while I'm in surgery
Name Plate on my room
The room Joe could stay cause it was private
The family waiting for me to come up on the veranda outside my room
I spoke with a few different women to get an idea of what to expect. Taking into consideration that everyones situation is different & everyones pain tolerance is different.
Here is what I had done.....On the 29th they took the right breast only, why? because they only take the breast that has the tumor first, put in an expander to start to shape the breast while I undergo the rest of my treatments. It best to use my skin and my fat to keep it from becoming messed up during radiation especially.
After I get done all treatments approximately 1 year from now, I will have reconstruction and have the other breast removed and reconstructed as well. Depending on my level of fat on the tummy or the butt after all is said & done will depend on where they take it from or if they add implants too.
I head into the pre-op prep area & they start to get me ready.
After about 1/2 hour they let the family come back, Joe, Mom, Paul & Stephanie are all there.
Dr.Tsangaris(dr.soothing voice) comes in first, he has a question am I doing the nipple sparing? What, that's an option? Yes because my tumor is so high up on my chest he can save my nipple and I will not have to have a nipple re-build or a tattoo to get the nipple back! Ye haw, damn Skippy I want you to keep my nipple.
Then he signs my boob. This is so they remove the correct one.
Next Dr. Sacks comes in, we talk about what he will be doing then we talk about what approximate size he will be making me. We debate again on the B - C cup.
He signs my boob too. Then tells the family that when they see him, my surgery is done & I am in recovery.
Surgery is about 4 hours took a bit longer because they saved my nipple.
I'm in recovery for longer then normal, I didn't handle the anesthesia to well & kept getting sick. Even got sick when Paul was in there typing up the blog update & my brother wiped vomit from my chin. (just like he used to do when I was 18). Only it was for a different reason. :)
They finally tell me they are moving me to a room, my nurse Michelle comes in & says they're bringing you to the Marburg Pavilion. That's the hospital suite rooms. I have no idea what she is talking about.
An orderly is wheeling me out & says wow the Marburg Pavilion, nice they're Fancy shmancy. That's were they put all the Kings,sheik's,princesses etc. So i say Yup that's me I'm Princess of Monaco, the Family. ( Grandmom Peditto's Maiden name). He just thinks I'm high & has no idea what I'm talking about.
More to come & more about my stay tomorrow.
Paul Sleeping while I'm in surgery
Name Plate on my room
The room Joe could stay cause it was private
The family waiting for me to come up on the veranda outside my room
Crabs, Gravy, Striper, Pizzelles & Padre Pio........June 28th
Still updating backwards, I keep having to take breaks these pills are knocking me out.
On the Saturday before surgery I headed to the shore to find out that Joe decided to make me one of my most favorite meals, Crabs & Macaroni. ( If you've never had it you need to!). What a fun night, His sister Michele is in town from Colorado, Brother Chuck came down with Marco, Joe's cousins Rob & Steph came with their kids Mia & Antonio. There was so much food, Chuck made one of my favorite appetizers Tapenade ( eggplant pepper tomato & onion mixture) you eat it on crusty Italian bread. Yum! We had lots of wine lots of food & lots of laughs, oh & the kids decided that the living room was going to become romp a room. When the adults are drunk why not. I attached a picture of one of the crabs they were huge!
Then on Tuesday Paul & his buddy Charlie took me, Mom & Joe fishing( its my last fishing trip for a long while). I caught the 1st fish, my line was in the water for 15 seconds. ( no Lie). It was such a great day on the bay, we caught 10 fish (that's the limit) in less then 2 hours. Charlie & I decided it was because he had his lucky Hawk Talon with him. Then Charlie gave me the Hawk Talon to take with me for my surgery for added luck. It was in the hospital with us, but unfortunately because of sanitary reason it didn't come into the operating room with me.
Then mom pulls out this card on our way down its of Padre Pio's hand with the stigmata on it. A player of hers who had a brain tumor 10 years ago, went to the Padre Pio shrine in PA, where they let you touch his Shaw & other relics that he wore. They gave him this card & it has a piece of the cloth on the back the card is laminated & has a saying in Italian ( i don't know what it says, need to look that up). The man told my mom when he went in for his brain surgery he had them tape it to his pillow. He wanted me to do the same thing.
So while I was waiting for them to take me in I had it in my hand, in comes the anesthesiologist Dr. Lee he was very funny, he sort of looked like uncle Benny from the lethal weapon movies, & i think he dips into the happy juice a little himself (That's what he called it). He asked whens the last time you've eaten anything I say about 9:00 last night, oh you must be hungry? He sees me holding the card & says whats that, I tell him its my Padre Pio card, can I bring it in to surgery with me? Dr. Lee said he will definitely put it somewhere. Turns out he taped it to my forearm, I Truly believe having The Padre with me was a good thing.
And lastly does anyone have the answer for Pizzelles protocol? Whom would you say you would give a tray of pizzelles cookies to after you've had surgery?
Apparently that seemed to be the big debate while I was under. You see my mom made pizzelles to give to the nurses who were going to take care of me, ( as I've said before mom copes by cooking). So after the cookies have traveled from NJ to MD, brought into the hospital, put back in the car the back in the hospital again then ended up at the nurses station where my room was.
More to come in a bit. I'm sleepy & the pills are kicking in again.
Giant Crab in gravy
Padre Pio
10 Striper fish
Pizzelles before surgery
On the Saturday before surgery I headed to the shore to find out that Joe decided to make me one of my most favorite meals, Crabs & Macaroni. ( If you've never had it you need to!). What a fun night, His sister Michele is in town from Colorado, Brother Chuck came down with Marco, Joe's cousins Rob & Steph came with their kids Mia & Antonio. There was so much food, Chuck made one of my favorite appetizers Tapenade ( eggplant pepper tomato & onion mixture) you eat it on crusty Italian bread. Yum! We had lots of wine lots of food & lots of laughs, oh & the kids decided that the living room was going to become romp a room. When the adults are drunk why not. I attached a picture of one of the crabs they were huge!
Then on Tuesday Paul & his buddy Charlie took me, Mom & Joe fishing( its my last fishing trip for a long while). I caught the 1st fish, my line was in the water for 15 seconds. ( no Lie). It was such a great day on the bay, we caught 10 fish (that's the limit) in less then 2 hours. Charlie & I decided it was because he had his lucky Hawk Talon with him. Then Charlie gave me the Hawk Talon to take with me for my surgery for added luck. It was in the hospital with us, but unfortunately because of sanitary reason it didn't come into the operating room with me.
Then mom pulls out this card on our way down its of Padre Pio's hand with the stigmata on it. A player of hers who had a brain tumor 10 years ago, went to the Padre Pio shrine in PA, where they let you touch his Shaw & other relics that he wore. They gave him this card & it has a piece of the cloth on the back the card is laminated & has a saying in Italian ( i don't know what it says, need to look that up). The man told my mom when he went in for his brain surgery he had them tape it to his pillow. He wanted me to do the same thing.
So while I was waiting for them to take me in I had it in my hand, in comes the anesthesiologist Dr. Lee he was very funny, he sort of looked like uncle Benny from the lethal weapon movies, & i think he dips into the happy juice a little himself (That's what he called it). He asked whens the last time you've eaten anything I say about 9:00 last night, oh you must be hungry? He sees me holding the card & says whats that, I tell him its my Padre Pio card, can I bring it in to surgery with me? Dr. Lee said he will definitely put it somewhere. Turns out he taped it to my forearm, I Truly believe having The Padre with me was a good thing.
And lastly does anyone have the answer for Pizzelles protocol? Whom would you say you would give a tray of pizzelles cookies to after you've had surgery?
Apparently that seemed to be the big debate while I was under. You see my mom made pizzelles to give to the nurses who were going to take care of me, ( as I've said before mom copes by cooking). So after the cookies have traveled from NJ to MD, brought into the hospital, put back in the car the back in the hospital again then ended up at the nurses station where my room was.
More to come in a bit. I'm sleepy & the pills are kicking in again.
Giant Crab in gravy
Padre Pio
10 Striper fish
Pizzelles before surgery
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