Friday, May 27, 2011
Shoe shopping May 27th
Lisa & I spend the day chilling, my first one since I got the news. We head to DSW, and while shopping I got a call from Dr. Zellers The radiologist. The biopsy they did on the second lump on Thursday came back BENIGN! Yay some really good news, he called me at 6:45pm, wanted me to have the news before the start of the weekend so i did not have to wait & worry anymore. I love that man.
Looks like the Popes advice worked, so far all I bought was 1 pair of shoes & 1 lump is benign, wonder what would happen if I bought a whole bunch?????
Enjoy your weekend, I know I will.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Bionic Boobs May 26th

Me being wheeled out (lovely)
Another test.....Today they did another MRI, this time it was a MRI Guided biopsy (bbibobibobsy).
What does that mean? It means Big MRI machine, me face down on the table with my boobs in these cups, dangling so that the MRI can scan and see what the Mammogram and the ultra sound can not. Why? Well it seems that the last MRI picked up 2 more lumps behind the large lump but they can not get a clear view on another x ray to biopsy them to see if they are cancerous. Turns out only one of the two is important the other just like a small friend tagging along and they wouldn't be able to get enough cells from anyway.
Here's how it goes.....Arrive 7:30am registration, take a number. (mom says get turkey & cheese when they call you) all the sudden she wants to be a comedian. Same paperwork same questions.
Ms. Petittto ( yea no one seems to get the name right) Let me help you Ped -eat-toe.
Good thing I don't have my full name on the papers Tonilyn ( that's usually Tonellyn?)
Where was I?.....Oh yea the process.
Here's the changing room, one gown on in the front and one gown on in the back. and don't forget the cool grippy socks ( this time I took brown instead of blue)
Wait here, Stephanie gets thrown out because as always I bring an Entourage, and she pretends to go the back way down to her office only to come back up 10 minutes later.
Nurse comes to put in an IV they need to put the dye in again to pin point where the lump that has not been biopsied is.
Oh nothing to eat or drink that day yet either. ( so empty stomach)
Back to the waiting room...Dr. Sharp shes a Fellow(ship)- comes in to explain the procedure. Once they find the lump take the cells they need they will put in another clip to identify it for future use if needed. (Stephanie said I'm like a Pandora charm bracelet i have different charms now in my boobs)
Then they give me the happy pill Xanax because they need me almost out for this i can not move or it will mess the whole thing up.
Cool I'm tired anyway.
They take me in lay flat on my stomach, put the boobs in the cups, and then they say we need to grip the right one so it doesn't move tell us when it becomes to much? Yea OK its too much!
Its freezing in there, they add blankets to me to keep me warm, I get put into the machine they start the scan i think I fall a sleep cause i don't remember that. Now the good part.
Pull me out of the machine & from the graph that shows on the screen where the lump is they numb the outer area, that I feel the bee sting thing again. Then they go in with the biopsy needle now i feel that ( sorry for those of you with weak stomachs) but it feels like someone is digging around inside the center of my breast with a NEEDLE!
Now I'm awake, i feel light headed, They are talking to me the whole time, and i say I'm going to pass out, Nurse- Dr. stop shes said she passing out. Me- I'm going to get sick. They put a bowl under my face, I'm still facing down on the table and the boob is still in the grip. So i can't really move. I only dry heave because I haven't eaten (guess that's why they say don't' eat).
Break out into cold sweats now they have removed all covers and have ice packs all over me.
The Dr. comes over and says we are going to just put the clip in & have them do it by ultra sound another time.
I start to come around & am feeling better, I say no finish it now I do not want to come back for more tests.
So they do. Reason it hurt so bad my boobs are so dense that I bent the needle! First time they have ever seen that happen. Jamie Sommers ain't got nothing on me.:)
Oh Joe wasn't there for most of this because he needed to take my papers to meet the women from the BOSS clinic & got to see the big Jesus statue in the old part of the hospital. I'll post a photo soon.
Next test- Thursday June 2nd- 8am- meet w/melanoma Oncologist, 10:30AM to the BOSS Clinic(breast & ovarian Surveillance Service) for Genetic testing.
Pictures & Editor corrections

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Let see it started with mom who sent her request to St. Jude Shrine. This was before we knew that Gina told Gabe to contact his brother Father Frank who is a big shot with St. Jude shrine.
Then my friend Stephanie D. Joe's cousin Rob's wife, has a real connection with Padre Pio, she sent me some very uplifting words and info on him.
My mom has a friend who lives in Warren County NJ & is very close to the Archbishop who has now added me to the peps to pray for at Sunday mass
I know i have lots more prayers out there from everyone & really really appreciate all of them.
I am attaching some photos as well. One is Mary Capano (my angel), One is the ribbon mural in The Avon breast center. & The other is the Vatican, cause its cool.
Oh & lastly some of you are having a hard time leaving comments, its should work now, I changed some settings & noticed you can leave it under anonymous that should work. If not email mail & I'll post it for you.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Monday May 23rd, Meet the Surgeonsssss
They weigh me, take my blood pressure and go to take my temperature,(I have a piece of gum in my mouth & take it out to hand to my mom but Steph says here, lucky mom See's its my gum & says NO Stephanie its her gum.) That would have been really bad for her. Here we are again laughing, Then the nurse says when he's done eating do you want me to bring your dad back too!OMG, no that's my fiancee, I do not look that young & he surely does not look that old. But to us we crack up & now they can't get us in the room fast enough.
Meet The Doctors.
First- Joni she is a resident, she asks all the same questions, did you find the lump, asks about my health, family history, do you mind if I take a look. Nope go right a head, they've all seen them.
Second- Dr.Tsingaris (the surgeon) comes in, he brings, Lilly(she is a 20 year survivor) & works for the breast center also wrote 2 books she gave me to read.) a student volunteer, (young kid felt bad for her I think she saw way more then she wanted. & Joni again.
So there are 8 of us in this tiny room.
Dr.T asks these same questions, but tells me my options. Long story short- He feels i do not need a mastectomy, they will do another MRI on Thursday, this is more of a surgery biopsy to take cells from the 2 lumps behind the big one they can't see them any other way but through MRI. His feeling no mastectomy at this time He thinks I have nice boobs, I say if i want it is it my choice, he say yes at the end of the day it is. But i have time to think on that.
I was inundated with info from him, but the bottom line is I have 1 lump that's definitely cancer but its small & 1 lymp node that is also cancer, the cancer is estrogen receptive which is apparently good they all kind of cheered when they heard that. and stage 2. Once they get the results from the MRI on Thursday and go in to remove more they will know more.
OK breath,
Lilly now gives a presentation on a double mastectomy with Reconstruction, ( we see her boobs) joe has to leave for this. and she explains alot, plus the books and more information to read. She was sooo nice,
Dr. #3- Dr. Adams Resident radiologist, Asks all the same questions, again.
Only funny part was he said alcohol- i said yes. What was that the wrong answer?
The he does an exam as well. Oh i should note the room only has 3 chairs moms, in one Joe's in one & the Dr's all sit in one so Steph gets to stand next to me and she can see my lovely boobs every time they remove the gown. Lucky her:).
Dr.#4- Dr. Zellers Adam's boss, They are radiology oncologist, they explain the options of mastectomy over lumpectomy with radiology etc.... again its a lot to take in. but either way i will have radiology & chemo due to the fact that it is in the nodes. its just the boob removal that's up in the air.
Dr.#5- Dr.Sack Plastic surgeon, & Laura his RN- again the questions, again he gets to cop a feel. But he has a different reason, here's the cool part, I can have new boobs by taking the fat from belly and placing into the breast being re-constructed and if we save the one he can fix it to look symmetrical. so now what to do? Boob job and tummy tuck all in one shot!
The only down fall is the incision for the tummy flap would go over my lizard tattoo and he would have to decapitate the lizards head. oh well, tummy tuck & new boobs wins.
Next step after MRI is gene testing. If i have the cancer gene both boobs need to go, I do not want to chance this ever coming back again.
So MRI, Gene test then answers. They are saying I have had this lump for about 3-5 years its slow mover. So i have a little time to figure things out. They say surgery could be in about 3-4 weeks.
Please post your thoughts i wanted to take a poll but Joe got upset with that idea. So just some input on lumpectomy or mastectomy?
Thanks again for all the prays thoughts & texts.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Friday May 20th
Same routine.
Ms. Peditto, This time the nurse is Joyce. Again very nice.
Stephanie was in Rochester NY the last 2 days and is flying in that AM comes right to hospital, to be there and again see more strange boobs.
More pictures in the mammogram machine ( we call it the vice grip). Dr.K, Dr. Wu & Joyce all holding on to the boobs trying to get the right angel and good pictures.
Into the ultra sound room I go again. This time they bring in Mom & Stephanie, and they get to stay so they can see the ultra sound.
But when told they can stay, Mom says can we stand up to see? Dr. K -No. Mom well can I at least go..... Me- Mom sit down!
Dr.K leaves tells us some more stuff, The nodes have cancer, the main lump-cancer. They are not sure about the small ones behind the main one but they need to be removed anyway. If your keeping count that's 6 that need to be removed.
Dr.Tsangaris ( he's Greek, i hope he's not going to use Windex to fix this) is going to be my Surgeon. He is the chief of Breast surgery. Yup he's the big Guy!
Dr.K is going to insert a clip into the breast where the main lump is. Kim is back in she shows us what the clip looks like, Its in the shape of a breast cancer ribbon. This is so they can find the lump in surgery.
Once that is done back to the vice grip, more pics to see the clip. Dr.K has a plan...he comes behind me lifts both my boobs up & places them flat on the machine while squeezing them together as Joyce clamps down the machine. OUCH! Hold your breath ( what other choice do I have?) That's it that's the one they are looking for. Finally all done.
Well for today.
Monday is meet the surgeon day & find out when another MRI will be and get more answers.
Until Monday May 23rd..........xoxo
Thursday May 19th
She doesn't call me because she wants me to sleep in. She's able to handle it. I'm impressed.
At 9"30 Dr.K calls me as he said he would. He has the results of the biopsy of the main lump. Yup its cancer. He asks can you come in today? Huh? I'm in NJ, OH I thought you where staying in town? We did then can home. OK, are you bruised? Ahhh yes, you stuck 5 needles in me 2 days ago and took some flesh. Come in at 8am Friday then, I need more pictures and I'm going to hurt you. Yay, that's awesome.:(
Get to the store at 10:30, its mobbed.
My phone does not stop ringing. Now the MRI nurse calls they see 2 lumps behind the main one. She is going to send the results to Dr.k so he has them for Friday.
That day I got a surprise visit from an amazing person. Who I now consider a friend, ( i was friends with his wife first). Gabe D. Comes in he is a fellow cancer survivor. He is here to tell me all that the Dr.'s won't and just share some insight. Wow, i was confident before that i am going to beat this, but now damn Skippy, I am.
His oldest brother is a priest Father Frank, he happens to be in Rome but has big ties to the
St. Jude shrine in Baltimore, (one of our favorite places) so Gabe emailed Father Frank who apparently emailed back & said he is on it! Now that's calling in a favor.
Mom and I leave that night to go The MD Peditto's which turns out that fits, (Stephanie is a Dr. or works with them & Paul had a MD shirt on for the DNR the other day.)
Wednesday May 18th
We get to Hopkins early and someone got me some happy pills because MRI'S make me claustrophobic. I go in, 2 gowns this time, one in the front and one in the back. (at least I'm covered)and i get the cool socks with the grips on them.
They are going to put in an IV, its a dye that goes to where the blood congregates which apparently is where the lumps are.
I am on my stomach and the boobs are in these padded cups so they are the focus. Its very comfortable, so I fall a sleep. About 45 minutes later its over.
Get dressed, drive home. Joe drives home, I sleep in the back cause the pills are still working.
Tuesday Evening May 17th
I call to tell my BFF in Maine Jessica. She has no idea that anything is wrong. Now Jessica and I have been friends since the sixth grade, So thats 32 years give or take if you ask us how old we are.
We have been though weddings, pregnancy, divorce & many many tragedies together.
So when I call her I am trying to hide that I am upset. I call- she answers. Hi...(her tone is exciting to hear from me). I say Hi , she immediately says Whats wrong! She knows, its like we have ESPN ( she has the west coasts feed as well).
I tell her "I have breast Cancer." What NO! that was her reply.
I explain all that I know and feel terrible she is sobbing. But I know her next move is to immediately get online to start research.
I call my son Zackary's dad. He doesn't understand? what how is that possible. Can you please explain it to Zackary and have him call me. He does.
That night my mom is trying to compensate for what she can not control. so she & Stephanie go to Annapolis seafood, and buy out the store (although I found out there where 9 soft shell crabs & she only bought 8?) this was to make sure i ate that night. i did, lobster, broccoli salad, oysters Rockefeller, soft shell crabs! Yum.
I did take some sleeping pills that night so I could shut my mind down.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Tuesday May 17th Results day
So where am I? Yes that's right, its Tuesday. Results day.
Stephanie warned us while its one of the best hospitals in the country there is going to be a lot of hurry up and waiting.
It wasn't as bad as she made it seem.
We get there, check in...They don't have me in the system, but oh wait they have a Paul Peditto, go figure.
I can't even get sick with out his name being mentioned! just kidding brother. ;0)
Up to the 4th floor I go. The breast center. Joe's excited, what guy wouldn't be he's thinking I'm gonna see lots of breasts. Um yea not so much....No men allowed its an all female area. (sorry honey looks like its really a long wait for you).
Out comes Teresa, Ms. Peditto. We'll take you back now.
Poor Joe gets up, "Can I come with her?", "No sorry sir its an all female area back there".
Mom can come, ok mom looks like your up.
There's a gown in the drawer, tie it in the front. ( that's a joke, they don't really tie and if your modest get over it quickly cause by the time your done your going to have had may hands on your boobs and lots of people seeing them.
Stephanie comes back too. (because she owns this wing now & can go anywhere she wants) not really on the owning part. Now let me tell you something about my dear sister-in-law, she is not at all a touchy feely person, nor does she like seeing other people private areas. Can you image how well adjusted she must be having become apart of OUR family.
But she is one of the kindest, smartest and most generous people i have ever met. I know exactly why my brother loves her so much.
But now Steph has to sit next to me on the bench seat while my boob is sticking out, and she is touching me(not my boob) just sitting close. So needless to say she is very uncomfortable.
Other women are in there waiting their turn and you sit in these vestibule type areas w/ a curtain, our curtain of course is open, because i need to see & know what is going on w/ everyone else. This is i think the best part- The woman across from us is older her curtain is not shut all the way & Stephanie has a clear eye shot of both her very much in need of a lift breasts! This was priceless.
I finally go back to the ultra sound room. In walks Dr. Wu (female) Very nice, Then Dr. Khouari (male), Kim asst. nurse tech something or other. & Teresa.
Your lying on the table the top of the gown completely open. Dr.k starts the ultra sound, he's good, lots of clicking & talking & understand nothing. Now turn on your side, he's under the arm pit area. My mind says Hum- that's where the lymph nodes are????
Then he says" so what have they told you so far?" I say " that the lump is suspicious, & then they send me a copy of the report & all I understood was malignancy."
Dr.K -OK yes. Me-Yes what? That is true it looks to be cancerous.
YES- the tears start to roll, not bad almost as if my eyes where watering. Then my mind immediately goes to why are you crying? Your going to beat this, & that's only if he's right.
Mind you we still do not have the biopsy yet.
Now for that they all come back in but bring me a surprise. Or as they said we brought someone in you know( I'm like oh shit its someone from family) its not It my Angel Mary. She holds my hand the entire time during the biopsy, Dr.k walks me through everything he is doing. He's an amazing man. I ask him how he knows its cancer w/out having the results back. He's been doing this a very long time & has never been wrong. I say never say never. I like your attitude. (So much for that, he's still not wrong). So to take my mind off the fact that i was getting probed w/ needle that felt like bee stings. I ask him how long has he been doing this. His reply"oh this 2 weeks". Haha
Then i ask who wants to tell the family...we will do that together. Yay......
Joe said he knew something wasn't right when they asked him to come back to "no men allowed area".
Dr.K explained it and lined me up for the next set of test immediately.
Monday May 16th. Happy Birthday MAZ. :)
Finally I will get the appointment and have some answers.
Call the Dr.(ob/gyn) at 9:05 am. Leave a message. Call back again and this time I ask to speak to someone. I'm not leaving another message. I finally speak to Kelly? No idea who she is. Yes they got the report and they are going to set up an appointment with a surgeon they use in the Washington Twp. area. She'll call me back.
I ask if "Kelly" can fax me the report.
She says " Sure whats your fax number"
I wait before I leave for the store, I hear the fax printing, go upstairs. and of course our fax prints last page first. So the last line I see is Biraids 5 " Highly suggestive of Malignancy: Appropriate action should be taken immediately.
No appointments until May 23rd. As you can see this would be a week from today. This is unacceptable. I'm not waiting!
I call my sister-in-law Stephanie. She's in a meeting but answers the phone anyway. (she is a very important Dr. for Johns Hopkins). Not really but it sounds good.
I fax her my report. I am assuming she either makes some calls or takes the report around to an actual Dr.'s to look at.
Turns out they have whats called John Hopkins Avon Foundation Breast Center.
Its all done in one location. Wow...What a concept!
She speaks to a women called a Nurse Navigator, Mary Capano (fellow pison, well her husband is.)
Steph gives me Mary's # and I call her. She knows who I am?
Very long story short, Mary gets my report from Steph and Immediately brings it to Dr. Khaouri, the director of breast imaging and intervention.
By 3:00 that day I had an appointment for biopsy the next day at 1:30.
I'm thinking Mary's my own personal angel.
The weekend. May 14 &15th
But before I do that, I was supposed to go out that Saturday night with the girls, and decide on Friday that I'm not in the mood. I'm not going to sit around and sulk just not really in the mood to go out and whoop it up. So i text my BF Lisa & say " hey I'm gonna have to bail for tomorrow night, not really in the mood to talk about but will talk to you soon." Yea not a great text to send to someone you talk to everyday.
Needless to say she text me back, I didn't answer. Then she called. Still no answer. So now the house phone.....We'll leave it up to Joe to break the news.
Yup that went well.....NOT!
Sorry friend i know, i know better, never again.
I did go out on Sunday. Lisa and I ran around did some shopping and had one of our favorite lunches. Champs Loaded Chips!
Oh and I sent Joe away, up to hunt camp hang with the boys no thinking about the bubbies till Monday.
Friday, May 20, 2011
The itch?

A 33 1/4 in. 15 lb. Striper! So i used every muscle in my upper body to get that baby in the boat.
It was Monday night and I was changing for bed and had an itch. When I scratched the area I thought it felt odd. So having done breast exams on myself many times before I lifted my arm and felt again. Yup I felt something....."Joe come here, do you feel something there?"
"Oh yea feels like a pulled muscle? Probably from reeling in that huge fish yesterday!" "If it doesn't go away tomorrow maybe call the Dr."
So it didn't & so I did. I first call my GP he gave me an appointment for Wednesday am. Then I got in touch with my OB/GYN they got me in on Tuesday afternoon for a quick breast exam.
Went in on Tuesday saw the Nurse practitioner. She feels it! and her theory "oh it feels like a cyst." " Just in case we're going to have it checked out and add an ultra sound for good measure."
Now I'm a bit nervous but not bad. But decide lets set this appointment up before I even leave the parking lot.
Yay they're squeezing me (little did i know they were being literal). Friday at 2:00.
Friday The 13th!!!
I go in and if anyone has ever been its not the most comfortable place to be, lots of women, old, young, all ages and races and no one looking happy. But me?
I was bidding on an item on ebay on my Bberry and thought for sure i was going to win. (yes while waiting for the test)
they take me in and of course the lump i is in to high a place to get an easy picture. So 20 pictures later they take me into the ultra sound. (that's easy). But now they want more pictures, back into the breast grip. Now I have been there for 2 and a half hours.
My mind is saying "hum this is odd" I've seen at least 10 other women come and go.
The nurse" Ms. Peditto, please get dressed and Dr.Murphy would like to see you in his office"
My mind " Hum that doesn't sound good"
He was pretty straight forward, no messing around. " this lump here is the lump you feel, behind it are more calcification's." "these are a concern" You need to have a biopsy immediately." Can't really tell you what else he said at that point it all became a fog.
Oh no I did ask if he was sure it was not an in grown hair? and did he think i had cancer." he could not be definitive, but he was concerned"
Where is the lump? If you put you hand on your heart like saying the pledge of allegiance but on the right breast the lump is at the middle of your fingers.