I know its been a really long time since my last post. I apologise, but it has been a whirlwind of a few months.
On February 4th I finished radiation, with very little burns to the skin. So little that when I went to see the plastic surgeon to set up the appointment for the other breast to be removed he didn't think i had had radiation yet. I'd like to thank my grandmothers Emma & Angie for good Genes or at least good Italian skin!
March 12th i went in & had my left breast removed. On that same day my plastics Dr. Sacks is testing out a new email program where he can email to family member's basically a play by play in the operating room. So I provided him with about 15 email addresses. Including my family that was waiting in the family waiting area. Oh wait they weren't waiting in the family waiting area anymore, because they could all get updates on their smart phones so, My Joe, mom, Paul, Stephanie, & cousin Laura all went to a local pub to enjoy burgers & beer while I was being cut open!
& To my Dr. he thought that was the coolest thing. Really? Almost as cool as his work on my Breasts yes he is really obsessed with them. Stephanie swears they are his screen saver, That's how proud he is?
All turned out good, anyway Pathology reports all came back clear!
Next was to have the ovaries out. So I was going to have that done on the same day but Dr. Sacks nixed that idea as that was way to long a surgery at the same time.
So I found a really good local Dr. in Pa. Dr.Randell. who coincidentally was one of best friends Dr.'s, He's the director of Gyn & oncology at Pennsylvania hospital. This to me was a sign. He was the man to remove the ovaries.
On April 30th He did. in less then 2 hours. I call it the drive through surgery. I arrived at 6;30 am checked in ran some labs, got my happy juice at 8:30am & was in recovery by 11:00, & home by 3. All i needed was fries & a milk shake with my surgery?
But all is good. As you can kinda see in the photo in the hospital with my bro my hair is growing back in, it really soft, thick & curly? Not sure what to do with that. But I'll work it out.
Now i wait for all skin to heal & let my body rest for the summer & come September I will have reconstruction, along with a tummy tuck. & can cross that finish line.
If anything else happens I'll keep you all informed. If not i may not be back till September with the new Bubbies.
Thanks for reading! Your prayers, praise & thoughts!

Post-op PP pic

Pre-op Dinner