Thursday, June 2, 2011

Genetic Testing & Kati's Prom June 2, 2011

Sorry I haven't written in a few days, but there hasn't been anything to write. Except it was my Birthday May 31st. What'd I get for my 44th Birthday? Cancer. ( Ok bad joke). sorry :)
I finally went today for the genetic testing. Here's how it works....
I was given a stack of papers to fill out about a week ago, & I needed to give a family history as much information as I could provide. (moms, side who has had cancer,going as far back as my grandparents & their siblings, birth date's etc, dads side same thing) so imagine how much fun that was with both sides of grandmothers having 11 siblings each. These are the papers I had sent Joe to the Jesus statue to drop off.
Getting into Baltimore was a treat Mom has a new GPS who's voice is of a man named Richard, well DICK decided he wanted me to take all kinds of detours, typical man thought he knew the better route! Ahh not so much, it took us forever to get there & I was in a foul mood after that.
Got in a better mood once we got in the Weinberg building (that's where the testing is done & chemotherapy treatments are given) seeing what I saw, made the drive not seem so bad after all.
Back to the test, They test the BRCA1 & BRCA2 gene. the cells are split in both apparently they assume everyone starts off with both these genes working. But some can be born with one portion of one of the cells x'd out. The assumption is that if one gene is x'd out you have a 50-85% chance of getting breast cancer, if you already have breast cancer & the test comes back as having the mutated gene(that's what they called it), you have a 40-60% chance of getting breast cancer for a 2nd time, & a 10-45% chance of getting ovarian cancer. Now for men who have this gene it could be breast cancer or prostate cancer. This genetic test is specific for breast cancer.
The test is not always covered under insurance, but they will call before they process the test if not to see if I would like to pay for it out of pocket????
I will not have the results back for about 2-3 weeks, but maybe sooner since I have good insurance & they want me to schedule the surgery. But since my final decision is partially based on the results I have to wait.
Oh & the % I could have the mutated gene in only 10%? Hope you all understood that, I'm still trying to figure it out?
So they took a tube of blood today & we wait.
Now the good part of my day....Today was Kati's prom. We went for Mani's & Pedi's, I did her hair & make up.(just like I used to do for Laura). She looked beautiful, (if i do say so myself, but she would have w/out the hair or make up) But judge for yourself I attached photos.
I will let you all know my results & my decision soon.
Thanks again for all the prayers & well wishes.
xoxo                                                                                                         Kati & Mike


Kristin said...

Hi Tonilyn,
My name is Kristin. My mom is a friend of your moms from Atlantic City. I just wanted to write to you and tell you that I understand everything you are going through. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer a year ago. I had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. I had 27 lymph nodes removed with 3-4 being positive. I went through chemo and radiation and i am still going through treatments because I was HER2+. So i understand the whirlwind you are in right now. It is so confusing- there are no real answers right now. It's just limbo for the next few weeks, but let me shed some light- there is an end. i know you don't feel it now, but there is. One thing I just want to tell you is that I thought of this as having to get rid of a cold ( a very long cold). Make your life and your family first and that will help pull you through it. This IS doable. You WILL get through this. Believe it or not this year went really fast. I can't believe it. I know you are confused with what type of surgery to have. In my opinion do a little more than you have to. you don't want to ever have to go through this again. The only reoccurring breast cancer that I have heard of is from women who just had a lumpectomy. I just don't want you to ever have to go through this again. I even opted for a bilateral mastectomy and now my boobs are purky and symmetrical. Mostly do what you think is best for you and your family. God will lead you in the right way. I just want you to know that whatever you need to talk about, I can help you. Everyone wants to tell you their horror story. Don't listen!! Most things people told me did NOT happen. I am here for you if you need to talk. Email me if you want to talk or need any advise and I will send you my number. my email is
You WILL beat this. Stay positive and try to be happy. You have a wonderful family and they will help get you through this. I promise... you do get through this. God bless you and I am praying for you!!

triplea920 said...

hi sweetie its cousin nancy it took me a while to figure out how to answer or post or oyy im computerilliterate (new word in the websters this year) anyway just wanted to say to you that me and amanda and mons are praying for you ...all the gals in the family are im look so much like emma in the one pic sure she is helping out too...we will all be here for you....stay strong, your surely one of the strongest women ive ever known....and when you need to not be strong, know there are lots of others willing to hold and lift you up ...we love you.....i have this quote on my desk at work......"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies"
Mother Teresa
love, nancy

nancy said...

o ps katie looks lovley....

Aunt Joan said...

Hi Toni

Yes, she is beautiful---as are you. Ask Jessica, I always said that about you

Cuz Victor Martorano said...

Hey Cuz - Hope you don't mind a guy butting in here - hey, we have boobies too! I'll be stopping by now and then to check on you.

You hang tough - All will be well.


kristy said...

wow, she is beautiful. I see similiarities so much in the photos. Keep fighting cuz!