Friday, November 11, 2011

6 Down 2 To Go...................11-11-11.

This is going to be a long post....
Started the new chemo Taxatier, its the sister to the Taxol. Side effects still neuropathy (just not as bad) nausea, lowers white blood count, aches & pains, oh basically the same as everything else. But only a 2 1/2 hour treatment.
So I had treatment on Monday the 31st. Happy Halloween to me).
It wasn't to bad a process. Dr. Matumba was there asked him about taking B12 to help the neuropathy but he said  no but i could take B6. So I am.
Tuesday after treatment feel great, Wednesday hits me again about 3. Tired, not as achy, Thursday I'm beat and now not only are my finger tips numb, but my tongue and whole mouth is. Ugggggg. this is not a good feeling. I sleep most of the day away, brush my teeth every time I get up, just to keep the mouth sores away.
Thursday night I am so sore I have to take a hydracodone & decide maybe some cold sesame noodles I get up get dizzy pass out! Then start to get nauseous. Now many of you don't know this about me but I hate i mean hate anything that has to do with vomiting. (not that anyone does) But I cant hear see it smell it anything or i get sick so if i am about to get sick myself i try my hardest  not to! (thanks mom for passing this on to me). I dry heave and pass out again when I decide to try and get up. Joe then puts me on the couch take a zofran and out i go for 2 hours. But I wake up feeling ok.
On Friday I'm doing pretty good. We are going to visit the MD Peditto's on Sunday & I have a follow up with Dr. Sacks on Monday at Hopkins.
I feel much better on Sunday still a bit tired, but feel good. Paul & Stephanie invited Charlie & Jane over for dinner that night & i can't wait i know it will be lots of laughs & lots of rebuttling......even Nick jumped in on the humor.
Monday get to Hopkins for lunch meet Stephanie, & stop to see the Jesus statue. Its my first time i see him as every time Ive been there its either been rushed or Ive been in surgery. This is cool, you are to touch his foot or his robe ( I touched both) & you can write a note for prayers.
Me, Joe & Stephanie go up to the breast ctr, & see Dr. Sacks, he checks out the boob & is so impressed with it. and I quote " that's the best looking nipple sparing mastectomy, That's one for the record books" Joe was waiting for him to take a picture to use it on his business cards.
He also feels if I could have the other breast removed have an expander put in & the overectamy done at the same time. Then everything would be ready for reconstruction in about 6, 9 or 12 months after everything heals from radiation.
I went for a blood check on Wednesday and my white counts where down to 2? But Dr. Greenberg feels i am on the up swing, and things should be good for treatment number 7 on the 14th. Something may have to change he said though because the tongue numbness is a concern. I will be done on the 28th!!!!
Also if I haven't mentioned it, chemo can & did send me into menopause, ok so beware, mood swings are at a high, hot flashes are unbelievable, if you've ever seen the sex in the city episode when Samantha had cancer & she is talking at the award ceremony & starts to have a hot flash says "oh F-it" & rips off her wig. I do that i think once an hour!!!! So i started to take vitamin e this is supposed to help?
I had a nice surprise on Thursday, Cousin Kristy came to visit. We are 5 months apart (shes older). and when we where young spent sooo much time together, she lives in Medford lakes & did when we where young too. 2 Quick stories......I think we were about 10 & where riding double on her banana seat bike, but I was on the handlebars going down a huge hill in the lakes, hit a rock (or bolder) and we went flying. I still have the scars on my elbows. (it was her idea). oh & at about 13, our family had a small family reunion at our Gparents house in Ventnor & we decided to walk up to Steel Pier in AC, it got dark & w/ no $ left could not get back. So we went into the Astor Hotel on pacific ave.( I think that was the name) & had to call the parents. They were not happy. (That may have been my idea?) Any way, we may not see each other that often but having lunch with her & talking was like we never missed a beat. It completely made my week! I love you cuz. Thank You.
I went today to see Dr. Harvey the radiologist, she needed to get my measurements for radiation. that was interesting. You lie on a cat scan table, boob out arms above the head. then the pillow thingy you lay on is a mold that they form to your shape as well as align a beam across the breast area, then they tattoo 3 little dots one on either side of both breasts & one in the center of the chest area. They look like freckles, & yes they are real permanent tattoos. I asked if I could get something cool, like stars , moons & maybe a ribbon.
Then photos of the area. and that's it. I will start radiation on December 27th. it will be about 15 min. everyday for 6 weeks. So on or about February 7th I will be done that! Then hopefully sometime in February remove the other breast, put in the expander and overectamy.
& depending on how my skin reacts to radiation, reconstruction sometime from September to February 2013.

This picture is of Me & Karlee C, (shes not happy) with a 6 foot Snake. At Anthony & Carmello M's Sixth Birthday Party.


Cuz Victor said...

Tell you what - out of everything you've been through I have to give you props for letting that snake curl around you!!! Not me! No way, no how!!

Hang in there ya.

Cuz Vic

PS - Tim sends love.

cuz kristy said...

hey cuz, your thanksgiving news was the best ever. Hope you are feeling ok. I can't imagine menopause and christmas season all at once??!! Hang in there. Tried to stop in the store sunday with the girls,,,,,we were xmas tree shopping. Store was closed...get ya next time:)

Anonymous said...

Hi honey,,it's uncle Dom,,I do have the birthmark,,hope your feeling better, we will see you over the holiday's, keep up the great work your doing, Patti and I will be stopping in to the store next week.

We love you,

Uncle Dom and Patti