Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I AM CANCER FREE! 1-16-2012

Well 2012 started out well so far, i know I have to fill you all in on alot that has happened in the past month, But wanted to shout out first it is official from Dr. Greenberg on January 16th he said I am disease free. Mom asked if that meant I was in remission & he says no I am disease free. Because they removed my breast & lymph nodes there was nothing to shrink & I went through the chemo & am still going through radiation (I'm 1/2 way done) all my blood levels are back to normal & organs look good! Ye haw!!
So my next step is finish radiation,  started to get some burns not too bad but they say it can get worse & the fatigue hits me a bit by the end of each week but I'll take it if it means disease free!
The back story leading up to all this.....Christmas....Mom wanted to do this in the mountains the same town where we do the Italians invade the lake in the summer. But this time the Italians invaded the mountain. We arrived to "Ski & Glee" that was the name of the house. There was snow the day we arrived but it all melted by day 2, it was one of the warmest weeks they've had up there in years? That's OK. there was plenty for us to do, the house had an arcade & when I say arcade I don't mean a few games i mean an arcade.! I got high score on the one driving game. So my name is on the licence plate of 3 of the cars. (YES, I am proud of this, have you met my brothers?) It also had an indoor pool. Hot tub, & sauna.
There was plenty of food ( as if you where all shocked about that) we did our traditional seafood chippino, stuffed calamari, and then Lobsters!
Then there was the present opening, I call it that cause it just isn't gift giving its a  montage of presents being opened. I of course had the most as I always do.( its a requirement) I think my brothers had 1 more then me 1 year & I made mom wrap something lame just so they wouldn't. yes i am 44 & still worrying about this.
But i got one of the best gift ever this year, (no it wasn't the gnome, or the forever lazy. although I love them both) It was a song. Mom, Laura, Stephanie & Kati sang me a song that mom wrote. called "Let it grow" to the music of Let it snow, It was on the Holiday Tits album sung by "Las TaTa's" I will post it for you all to hear.  I was more moved then I could have ever imagined, I laughed & cried.
We took pictures in matching PJ'S not a favorite for some of the men, But the girls loved it! Were a pretty cute group if I do say so myself?
Then Christmas eve Joe & I went to his mom & pops. Michele came in from Colorado, Chuck, Andrea, Charlotte, & Marco where there & His cousin Dee & Rick came too. That was a nice surprise, I haven;t spent alot of time with them so it was really nice & it was a lot of fun. Lots of laughs! Charlotte was curious about the wigs so I brought them for her to try on, she was so cute with them & that was so fun.
Lots of food again, Dolores made her famous cotton cookies (their like wedding rings) Joe & I love them & we still do the fish but it gets changed up a bit there's dungeness crab! Yum. It was the first crab I've had since chemo & it was sooooo good.
Then Christmas Day we went to my friend Lisa's ( I've been going there on Xmas day for over 10 years) Its always a blast. After a dinner of surf & turf, we play LRC. (its a gambling dice game) I was hoping they would take pity on me this year & maybe I'd win, but no such luck? I gotta work on my skill & try to win all my money back.
New Years we where supposed to go to the MD Peditto's like we do every year, But PP got the Flu & I wanted no parts of that. So instead we went to dinner in Philly w/ Lisa, my friend Mollye, & Charlie Brown showed up). Then watched the Fireworks at Pennslanding I was impressed they where really good.
So as I've been saying since January 1st. NEW YEAR NEW LIFE!
I still have a long road ahead, I have another surgery, I'm waiting to have my other breast removed & my ovaries taken once the Dr. gets me the date I will let you all know. Then i will heal for about 6 months from everything & can have Reconstruction. But again I'll take it cause I AM CANCER FREE!
So since I still have stuff to talk about I will still keep posting. Hope you all still read along!
Thank You all so much for all your support. Enjoy the video music is my let it grow song.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the cancer free! You are truly an amazing woman! God bless you and your family! Brian from Florida.

Cuz Victor said...

WOW Toni! I just saw this. What fabulous news!!!!

cuz kristy said...

yea girl...way to keep cancer free..that song is beautiful, and please keep posting. Can't wait for you to be published. Enjoy the snow today!!!

Joanna said...

New Year, New Life, New You!!!!
So happy to hear all of this. Now lets really celebrate as a family!
Love Ya
Cuz, Joanna

Marie Martorano said...

So, so happy for you! Can't wait until this is all behind you and one day soon it really will be. Love the song! Definitely a tit! I mean hit!